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nextgen_russia ([info]nextgen_russia) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-06-10 03:15:00

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Entry tags:alex bowmaster, inactive - crimson dynamo, jordan bochs, mason jeffries, melanie hall, nimue smallwood, plot-"canadian winter"

Canadian Winter (in June)
It was a risky move, but it had to be done. Shostakov was no friend to the royal family and if he was taken into government custody decades of work would be lost. If his comatose body could be grabbed by those who had the same interests, he could possibly be revived and work on the projects could resume. That 'son' of his knew what his father had been doing, but the kid didn't know half as much as his 'father'. No, they needed Shostakov and they had to get him before others did.

The warning was sent from a small internet cafe computer and bounced through two dozen different nodes around the world before it reached its destination in Canada. They had to be warned that the Russians were coming. Hopefully they would respond appropriately to the incursion into their land and during the conflict and chaos Shostakov could be taken out of there.

There were a lot of variables, but it would go as planned. It had to.

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Crimson Dynamo
2011-06-16 01:35 am UTC (link)
Kiska held to her orders, for now. She circled the building from the air.

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Re: Crimson Dynamo
2011-06-16 11:10 pm UTC (link)
This, at least, was something she could deal with. Marrina pushed herself into the sky, born aloft on her ankle wings.

She poured on her speed, making herself into a human torpedo.

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Re: Crimson Dynamo
2011-06-17 01:16 am UTC (link)

Kiska is sent reeling, before she adjusts her stabilizers and target-locks on her newly-found opponent. Laser-guided missiles with incendiary payloads launch. She sends out an alert as well.

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Re: Crimson Dynamo
2011-06-17 11:54 pm UTC (link)
Marrina caught the first missile like an American football (what was up with that? They barely kicked it at all.), throwing it back toward the Dynamo. But her reflexes were slower on the second, and the explosion lit up the sky, sending her spiraling toward the ground.

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Re: Crimson Dynamo
2011-06-19 01:46 am UTC (link)
Kiska dives in pursuit, launching another attack, this time with a heat ray. Stupid stinking westerners and their glut of metahumans. Their nation had to build theirs, for the most part.

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Re: Crimson Dynamo
2011-06-19 02:42 am UTC (link)
It was the worst possible weapon that could have been used. Even as she tried to right herself, Marrina took the impact of the heat ray, the heat leaching the moisture and strength from her body.

Her ankle-wings flapped frantically, but failed to keep her aloft.

She was falling again.

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Re: Crimson Dynamo
2011-06-20 01:18 am UTC (link)
Yes, that was kind of the point. You don't go into territory including a known Atlantean without coming prepared. It was like trying to get a favor from a superior officer without bringing along good vodka.

Kiska presses the offensive, launching a volley of smaller missiles, before pulling back to a safer distance.

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Re: Crimson Dynamo
2011-06-20 10:25 pm UTC (link)
Marrina hit the ground hard, accompanied by the flurry of missiles.

The explosion rocketed her back upward for a moment, before crashing back down again.

And then... she started charging. Breaking out in scales and armored-crustacean plating, fingers elongating into razor-claws, serrated teeth filling her mouth.

It was with an animal roar that she launched into the sky again, toward the Dynamo.

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Re: Crimson Dynamo
2011-06-21 11:27 pm UTC (link)
"Pizda!" Kiska snarls inside the armor as the abomination comes at her. No part of Russia needs the headache that would come with killing an Atlantean princess, but this can't be allowed to continue.

An electrified tether launches at Marrina.

That body is leaving with her, and going to Petrovich. No interference will be brooked.

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Re: Crimson Dynamo
2011-06-21 11:44 pm UTC (link)
Electricity? Bad move. The parts of her that are an electric eel just soak in right up. Instead, she jerks on the tether, drawing the Dynamo to her.

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Re: Crimson Dynamo
2011-06-22 12:09 am UTC (link)
Kiska braces herself as she's pulled in fast, with no time to counter.

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Re: Crimson Dynamo
2011-06-22 12:42 am UTC (link)
The attack is pure rage. Fists pounding, claws, tearing, without rational thought or human compassion. Just pure, animal violence.

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Re: Crimson Dynamo
2011-06-22 12:46 am UTC (link)
The ground turns purple around her. "Marrina! Marrina!" Echoes in her ears. "Easy."

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Re: Crimson Dynamo
2011-06-22 12:55 am UTC (link)
The damage so far is superficial, except for the loss of one missile launcher. Kiska decides to fight dirty to cover her retreat, struggling to pull free.

"I wonder how many fingers our Igor has taken from your boyfriend by now? I heard him squealing like a child over your comm-channel."

She fires her boosters at full power.

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Re: Crimson Dynamo
2011-06-22 12:57 am UTC (link)
Mel's voice brings Marrina back to herself, her features very slowly, painfully, oh so slowly trying to revert to her normal ones.

She doesn't even here the Dynamo's words, her mind slow to bring itself back to rational thought.

"Mmmmmmmel? Whhhatttt?"

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Re: Crimson Dynamo
2011-06-22 01:00 am UTC (link)
"You..um... looked like you were having a Little Moment," Mel says quietly as she solidifies out of the ground.

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Re: Crimson Dynamo
2011-06-22 01:07 am UTC (link)
She was still taking her time to revert to normal physically, but sanity was coming faster.

Marrina cast her eyes downward.


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Re: Crimson Dynamo
2011-06-22 01:09 am UTC (link)
"It's okay! It's a bad time! I could totally have one too, probably."

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Re: Crimson Dynamo
2011-06-22 01:16 am UTC (link)
Armor withdrew into her body, scales shed, claws retracted, blue hair reasserted itself.

"I'm a monster, Mel."

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Re: Crimson Dynamo
2011-06-22 01:21 am UTC (link)
Oh, Mel has to go for the hug now. "It's okay, Marrina. It's okay. But right now, we still have a kindasortamaybe act of war going on.."

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