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Marie Claire Pym ([info]particlegirl) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-06-09 18:26:00

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Chaos and the science of a broken motorcycle. (Lysi)
It had been entirely an impulse purchase, but it was the exact same bike she'd had back home.  The damn serial number had even been the same and maybe that is what had sent MC over the edge.  It didn't matter that it needed work; it was hers.

Except...while she could get the bike running, the baby blue 1979 Harley Davidson Sportster had some structural issues.  Namely...it wouldn't drive straight and MC wasn't entirely certain how to fix that and she didn't have a whole lot of resources that took a petite redhead seriously. Not here.  There was only one person she could think of.

Half an hour later, she'd tracked down Lysi and pulled up (or rather skidded dangerously up) to her curb.

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