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nextgen_misc ([info]nextgen_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-06-05 14:04:00

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Entry tags:inactive - daniel grimm, inactive - ellie rasputin, npc - scotty lang, plot-"battle of the bands", zoey ashcroft

Battle of the Rock Bands!
The auditorium of the high school was crowded with various groups of teens, mostly girls, all there to win a day with Starry Twilight. The room was filled with a lot of giggling and squealing.

The band sat at a table in front of the stage and were the judges for the event. Their manager sat at the end of the table and looked bored out of their mind. Four bodyguards stood behind the band members and tried to keep enthusiastic fans from reaching the band.

A large screen was set up on the stage so the competitors could easily see it.

"Next up," the manager said as one group just finished. "Band number twenty." The manager sighed and put his chin in his hand. It was going to be a long day.

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2011-06-16 10:48 pm UTC (link)

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