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nextgen_misc ([info]nextgen_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-05-31 20:54:00

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Entry tags:inactive - anselm, inactive - karen lynch, inactive - matt walker, inactive - michelle clarke, inactive - shelly drumm, plot-"spirt of vengeance", team - midnight sons

Who's gonna hear you cry, when there's more of them than there are of you?


The Chicago Police Department sees its fair share of weird and unexplainable things on a daily basis, the kind of thing no cop talks about if they value their jobs. Tonight is one of those nights.

The police respond to a disturbance at a warehouse on Pier 36 around 9 pm and walk into what can only be called a charnel house. There is blood everywhere, and at least twenty bodies litter the inside of an inverted pentagram made of gold filigree on the floor the large warehouse owned by Molson’s Meat Packing. No one wants to think about how fitting the name is currently.

In the center of the room lies a stone table roughly the size of a full-size bed. The table is splattered with blood that runs down into the floor as well. Scorch marks mar the intricate tapestries on the walls and the masonry beneath them and there is a foul odor in the air. At the northern end of the warehouse, on a raised dais, is a golden chalice set with several precious stones that gleam in the now-bright light.

These cops don’t know what’s going on , but they do know who to call when weird stuff like this happens: Detective Karen Lynch.

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2011-06-17 12:27 am UTC (link)
"All of you are standing at the cusp of something you are not ready to deal with just yet. The battle for Chicago's soul is at hand, and none of you are ready for what will soon come.

But /he/ is least ready of all of you." Aeron says.

"He will listen to you, if you implore him. Tell him to abandon this path." Aeron says.

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2011-06-17 12:29 am UTC (link)
"Do you always speak in vague terms and oblique riddles? If the battle for this city's soul is at hand, there is no way he will abandon this. There is no way /I/ will. Why do you think I could stop him anyway? Have you /met/ my boyfriend?"

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2011-06-17 12:42 am UTC (link)
"Let's just say that the Outsider's reputation precedes him in many circles. That's not necessarily a good thing." Aeron says.

"But he will listen if you /make/ him. If you have any desire to see him survive, I would think you'd do whatever is in your power to see that happen." Aeron says.

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2011-06-17 11:14 pm UTC (link)
"Aeron, right? You show up and you give me semi-cryptic information and implore me to change the mind of the most stubborn man I have ever encountered in my life including my father but you don't give me any information to back myself up with except for 'oooh, it's dangerous.' I need more to go on, Aeron. And if it's so important, why leave this up to chance? Why not speak to Matt yourself?"

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2011-06-26 08:17 pm UTC (link)
"Because I can't." Aeron says simply.

"And I'd say he's around the same level of stubbornness level as your father. They're a lot alike. You've managed to change Jericho's mind more than once, haven't you?" Aeron asks.

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2011-06-27 11:14 pm UTC (link)
"Jericho Drumm would have your head if heard you even once compare him to Matt," she hissed. "Aeron...you have to give me something here. I know damn well you aren't human. Give me a riddle I can actually solve."

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