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Avery Crittenden ([info]word_of_law) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-05-31 19:30:00

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Entry tags:npc - avery crittenden, plot-"blood is thicker than...", sydney ashcroft, team - defenders

The truth won't set you free
It had taken Avery two weeks of quiet research and calling in a few favors to get some access to the traffic cameras on the day of Sydney's accident, but he'd learned the name of the man driving the truck that hit Sydney that day. Selfishly, Avery waited for a day that Titan was out to ask for his help in "getting some information."

The moment Avery told Titan his plan, the green giant agreed with all due haste. They'd made quite the pair heading to David Hawke's apartment building in East L.A. and walking up the steps to his 1020A. Hawke opened the door and promptly tried to slam it in their faces. Titan held the door open with ease, allowing Avery to walk in.

Over the next hour, he explained to David Hawke what would happen if he didn't give Avery the information he was looking for, not the least of which would be that Titan would eat him whole and then forget he'd done it. Hawke threatened to go to the cops, the media and anyone who would listen. Avery nodded and then gave Titan "the signal".

When Titan opened his mouth as though he were about to bite Hawke's head off his shoulders, Hawke sang like a canary, describing the woman who'd hired him and how she'd told him to make sure "the bitch didn't walk away from the accident". Avery's blood boiled while listening to Hawke's account and then he calmly, but sternly, suggested that David Hawke take his ill-gotten money and leave Los Angeles that night. If he didn't, Titan would be back tomorrow to finish the job.

Once they were done, Avery thanked Titan and told him that the dinner reservations for him and Marlow at a fancy restaurant would be taken care of shortly.

Then Avery got into his car and sped toward Cecelia's apartment to lay down the law.

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Re: At the Compound
2011-06-09 02:01 am UTC (link)
"Well see, now you make me want to bring Zoey so she can see her grandparents," Syd told him.

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Re: At the Compound
2011-06-09 02:43 am UTC (link)
"...but I really think that my parents will get over it if we're too busy to see them this time around." Avery smoothly amends his sentence.

"I want to be alone with you for a few days, though. I love it here, you know that. But time along is pretty precious." he says.

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Re: At the Compound
2011-06-09 02:53 am UTC (link)
"I know," she agreed. "I'll talk to Brynn about watching Zoey for a few days. Hotel or a BnB?"

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Re: At the Compound
2011-06-10 01:02 am UTC (link)
"Bed and Breakfast. Somewhere quiet and away from the sounds of the city. We could even..." Avery smiles and kisses her, whispering in her ear.

"...sleep in. On purpose. No worrying about getting a kid off to school." Avery says, mock-seductively.

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Re: At the Compound
2011-06-10 01:04 am UTC (link)
"Really? We can do that? No dogs or tigers jumping in the bed? Does that happen?"

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Re: At the Compound
2011-06-10 01:52 am UTC (link)
"No dogs, tigers /or/ children who want to tell us about the awesome dream they had last night and want pizza for breakfast." Avery grins.

"I've heard it happens in some places. We'll need to try it out and report back with our findings. Are you with me, Sydney?" Avery asks.

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Re: At the Compound
2011-06-10 03:37 am UTC (link)
"That sounds like heaven," she said and kissed him. "Mr. Crittenden consider me your willing victim for kidnapping."

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Re: At the Compound
2011-06-11 01:08 am UTC (link)
"This will be the world's best kidnapping. You'll beg me to keep you." Avery grins, kissing her again.

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Re: At the Compound
2011-06-11 01:14 am UTC (link)
Syd wrapped her arms around his neck and returned the kiss. "I love you," she said softly when the kiss ended.

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Re: At the Compound
2011-06-11 02:19 am UTC (link)
"I love you, too. And I'm sorry that you got dragged into my drama." he says softly.

"This wouldn't have happened if I'd married the right woman to start with." Avery says, looking over at her.

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Re: At the Compound
2011-06-11 01:52 pm UTC (link)
"This, this I can handle," she said. Living with godlings put a lot of things into perspective. Heat rose to her cheeks and she didn't know what to say.

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Re: At the Compound
2011-06-12 02:44 am UTC (link)
Oops. Did he say the wrong thing?

"I didn't mean to embarrass you, Syd. I was just...I was thinking the other day about how different things might be if I'd married you like I wanted, rather than Cecelia." Avery says, looking down a bit.

"I'm really happy with you and Zoey. I love you both more than anything, but I know we've never talked about marriage or stuff like that.

I swear I'm not trying to put you on the spot. I'm just being honest." he says.

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Re: At the Compound
2011-06-12 04:08 am UTC (link)
"I know what you meant, Avery," she said. "I just didn't know what to say."

She smiled. "Zoey and I love you more than anything. We are not going anywhere no matter what."

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Re: At the Compound
2011-06-12 04:12 am UTC (link)
"That's all I need to know." Avery says, hugging her gently.

"So, would you care to leave tomorrow night on our trip? I think I can get everything booked in the morning." he says.

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Re: At the Compound
2011-06-12 02:46 pm UTC (link)
"Who needs to book anything?" she said with a smile. "There are some perks of my job and one of them being use of a private jet and there's always a room at the Ritz reserved for employees traveling to Boston."

Two years ago Sydney was barely making enough to get by and now she was talking about private jets and rooms at five star hotels.

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Re: At the Compound
2011-06-12 09:58 pm UTC (link)
"You're prepared. I like that, Miss Ashcroft." Avery grins.

"Well, we've got until tomorrow night before we have to leave. Why I don't help you with your recovery for the next twenty-four hours?" he asks, his expression playful.

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Re: At the Compound
2011-06-13 02:00 am UTC (link)
She smiled. "I like the sound of that. A lot." She put a hand on his cheek. "I'm sorry if I'm causing problems for you, but I'm not sorry we found each other again."

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Re: At the Compound
2011-06-13 02:39 am UTC (link)
"Hey, stop that. You are /not/ a problem and you never will be, Sydney. We got a second chance and that's the most important thing to me." Avery says.

Rather than let her find another reason to blame herself, Avery kissed her.

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Re: At the Compound
2011-06-13 03:12 am UTC (link)
Sydney let all thoughts go from her mind and let herself get lost in the moment.

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