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Svalin Thorsdottir ([info]shield_maiden) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-05-31 18:10:00

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Entry tags:bram harker, cosmopolitan, eiltin, halbjorn, inactive - andy walters, inactive - dawn roberts, inactive - grace danvers, inactive - sigurdur, marlow, npc - avery crittenden, plot-"tdrok: night of the vampires", svalin

Svalin was stretched out on one of the large couches in the rec room of the main building and was trying hard to enjoy sitting still. Her feet and ankles had started to swell and her wife wasn't going to let her do much besides sit and put her feet up as much as she could. Svalin had tried to argue but it didn't get her anywhere except sitting on the couch with her feet up.

She sighed and looked at the television. To Kill a Mockingbird was on and Svalin was still waiting for the killing to start. Why was kill in the title if there was no killing in it? It didn't make much sense to her, but it was one of her wife's favorite movies and Svalin would watch it.

Svalin focused on the television and was surprised by the sudden kick. She gasped and reflexively put her hand on her stomach.

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2011-05-31 09:21 pm UTC (link)
Svalin nodded. "Aye. I miss him I art not one usually to say things art not fair, but that ist the case."

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2011-05-31 09:34 pm UTC (link)
Vernique squeezes her hand. "Yeah. Wish I could argue that one, but life isn't fair, and anyone who says differently is selling something."

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2011-05-31 09:39 pm UTC (link)
Svalin returned the squeeze. "Hath thou been able to spend time with Sigurdur?" Svalin knew her wife and even Svalin would admit that Sigurdur was quite handsome.

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2011-05-31 09:50 pm UTC (link)
Vernique gave an exaggerated sigh. "Not yet. He said soon, though, once he's got a better handle on the compound." She smiles. "Why does it not surprise me that your friends from back home are Serious Business?"

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2011-05-31 09:53 pm UTC (link)
"As thou wouldst say, it ist a cultural thing," she answered. "Though he ist eager to explore more of Migard. Mayhap thou canst use this to get some time with him?"

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2011-05-31 10:20 pm UTC (link)
Vernique grins. "Aye. And I'm going to take him up on it soon -- ooh, wait, Atticus's big speech." And Vernique will stop to watch as Atticus fights for justice, and fails.

"Poor man," she sighs. "Why are men of honor in tragic struggles so sexy?"

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2011-05-31 10:25 pm UTC (link)
"I doth not know," Svalin said after watching the speech. "Halbjorn ist planning to take me to the studio with him. Thou wilt have that time to take Sigurdur out to see more of Migard." Svalin smiled. "Or mayhap take him down to the beach."

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2011-05-31 10:29 pm UTC (link)
Vernique smiled. "You are totally the best totally-platonic spouse ever. I'll try that next chance I get --ohh, look. You'll like this. There's violence." Unfortunately, for Svalin, the violence is done very subtly and tastefully.

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2011-05-31 10:33 pm UTC (link)
Svalin watched the violence and wasn't really impressed. "Asgardians doth not use swimsuits and I doubt he hath one yet," Svalin said with a smile.

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2011-05-31 10:39 pm UTC (link)
A low chuckle. "Like I said, hon, you're the best."

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2011-05-31 10:43 pm UTC (link)
"I love thee dearly, but doth not expect thee to be so confined as I art. Go find Sigurdur and have some fun."

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2011-05-31 10:58 pm UTC (link)
Halbjorn chooses this point to peek into the room. "Svalin, the limousine from the studio ist here for us. Art thou ready?"

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2011-05-31 11:06 pm UTC (link)
"Aye, I just need to put mine sandals on," she said as she looked down at her bare feet. Vernique had suggested sandals as they could be adjusted a bit more than regular shoes.

"Come here, brother. I doth want to show thee something."

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2011-05-31 11:09 pm UTC (link)
He moves over and crouches down next to his sister. "Aye?"

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2011-05-31 11:25 pm UTC (link)
"Sandals will be good for you," Vernique repeats. She grins at Hal.

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2011-05-31 11:26 pm UTC (link)
Svalin took his hand and put it on her stomach. Just in time for Solver to give a few strong kicks. "Thine nephew ist v'ry active and strong."

"Wilt thou help me with them?" Svalin asked. "It ist getting harder to reach mine feet."

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2011-05-31 11:34 pm UTC (link)
"Aye, of course." he agrees, reaching for the sandals and giving her a hand with them. "Of course he ist strong and vital. He ist thy son."

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2011-05-31 11:40 pm UTC (link)
She was asking her wife, but she wasn't going to complain about her brother having to put on her sandals. She smiled as her brother put on her sandals.

She offered a hand to him. She could get up, but there was some satisfaction in making him help her.

"We wilt not be gone long," she told her wife. Enjoy thineself."

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2011-05-31 11:46 pm UTC (link)
His usual lack of help with such things is more ineptitude with the domestic, as opposed to lack of willingness. He'd carry his sister if she asked... and he can handle shoes and a hand up.

"I am sure she wilt hath no difficulty with that."

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2011-05-31 11:49 pm UTC (link)
"Here's hoping," Vernique said with a very subtle glance to ascertain that Hal had done it right. "You two try not to break any backlots." She bid them goodbye cheerily.

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