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Eli Paravich ([info]blinkandmissme) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-05-30 01:26:00

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Entry tags:inactive - aine gold, inactive - eli paravich, luna maximoff, plot-"mothers day", team - nightstalkers

A little bit of fun and a lot of pain (Backdated to May 22nd)
Eli thought he was going to miss Luna's birthday party, but it turned out that he finished his errands early, with a judicious application of his duplicates helping with general paperwork, cleaning and other matters. When he found out that he would have time to see her after all, Eli dialed Luna's number, hoping that she might have some free time after the festivities to go on the date he promised her.

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2011-06-01 01:41 am UTC (link)
"Take your time, Luna. I am at your command the entire day, as you are the birthday girl." Eli says, looking around her room somewhat. It occurs to him that he wants to know more about her, though he doesn't want to snoop.

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2011-06-01 02:07 am UTC (link)
Luna finished putting the food into the picnic basket. She grabbed a couple of books and a blanket before turning to Eli. "Ready."

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2011-06-01 02:13 am UTC (link)
Eli steps forward and wraps an arm around Luna's waist, then draws upon his power and the world shifts around them.

Soon enough, they are on a cool plateau at Mt. Charleston among the trees with no one else inside.

"Hm. It is nice and cool here. I like it. Once again, your taste is impeccable, Luna." Eli says, taking her hand.

"Have you ever been here before?" he asks.

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2011-06-01 02:30 am UTC (link)
Luna took Eli's hand, lacing her fingers with his. "No, I haven't," she said. "But I've always wanted to."

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2011-06-01 02:55 am UTC (link)
"Then I am glad we are seeing it together for the first time." Eli says, beginning to walk.

"I sometimes forget how sheltered I was before I was allowed to leave Polaria for the first time. I am sure you have been to many places like this, though." he smiles.

"This reminds me a fairy tale or two, where the princes chases the princess through the forest, hoping to catch her and keep her for good." Eli says idly.

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2011-06-01 03:13 am UTC (link)
"I actually did not travel much before Aine and I went to Europe," Luna said. "I spent most of my childhood on Attilan, then at Xavier's, learning to control my powers, and then at school in New York. It was only at Aine's suggestion did I actually travel more."

She smiled at him. "I suppose it does have a certain romantic feel to it."

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2011-06-01 03:22 am UTC (link)
Eli nods. "Perhaps I will chase you, Moon Princess. I think that would be a worthy way to spend time." Eli says.

"It will at least help you work up an appetite...unless you hungry now? We can stop and eat whenever you are ready. I will even read to you while you eat." he says.

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2011-06-01 03:39 am UTC (link)
Luna put down her picnic basket. "I did have a big breakfast," she said. "I would not mind working it off before we had lunch."

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2011-06-01 03:41 am UTC (link)
Eli chuckles.

"Very well. Run and I'll chase you. I will not even teleport after you. I will catch you the old-fashioned way." he grins, turning his back.


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2011-06-01 03:43 am UTC (link)
Luna giggled, sprinting away into the woods.

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2011-06-01 04:24 am UTC (link)
Eli counts to ten, then turns and sets off after Luna quickly, but not quickly enough to catch her outright. He wants her to have a bit of fun with this, so he keeps his distance, even though he reaches out to touch her mind gently.

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2011-06-01 04:25 am UTC (link)
As the sun dips behind the mountains, there are others who want to play in Eli and Luna's game.

Some of them move off after the girl, while a few stay to greet Eli as he comes up the path.

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2011-06-01 04:31 am UTC (link)
Luna paused, hearing more than one pair of feet chasing her.


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2011-06-02 12:00 am UTC (link)
"No, not quite, my dear." the man says stepping out from behind a tree, as three other vampires also come into view.

"I'm afraid that your Eli will not be fast enough to save you in this case, Luna. It's sad, really.

Someone like you should be preserved for all eternity." he says.

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2011-06-02 12:02 am UTC (link)
"Stay away from me," Luna said, using her empathy to lash out with them, sending pure anger at them...though she was mostly feeling fear at the moment.

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2011-06-02 12:12 am UTC (link)
Colin Vale takes one step in Luna's direction as she lashes out, feeling the blast of empathy in one rush.

She might as well have thrown pebbles at him for the good it did.

"You are not merely a human, are you, Luna?" Colin asks. "My employer said you were special. Indeed, it is the only reason that Eli is attracted to you. You are not like most humans." he tells her.

"You are to deliver a message to the Eternal." Colin says.

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2011-06-02 12:16 am UTC (link)
Luna took a step back, shaking a little. "You will not harm him...or me."

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2011-06-02 12:33 am UTC (link)
"My dear, you greatly overestimate your ability to do anything about either of those issues. In point of fact, hurting /you/ will hurt /him/.

That is what we are after." Colin smiles, his fangs now visible.

There is a blur of motion and suddenly, Colin is behind her, seizing her shoulders in an iron grip.

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2011-06-02 12:38 am UTC (link)
Luna struggled, trying to free herself from Colin's grip.

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2011-06-02 12:51 am UTC (link)
"Don't worry," Colin whispers in Luna's ear, "this is only going to hurt until you die.

Then it'll stop hurting all together."

With that, he bites savagely in Luna's neck, lapping up her blood in greedy mouthfuls, savoring the taste. He's always enjoyed feeding from women, and this one doesn't disappoint.

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2011-06-02 12:52 am UTC (link)
Meanwhile, Eli has slain the last of the group of vampires that attacked him, his clothing ripped and torn.

He casts his mind out, seeking Luna's.

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2011-06-02 01:03 am UTC (link)
Eli, Eli help me! Luna sent out when she felt his mind touch hers.

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2011-06-02 01:40 am UTC (link)
Eli appears at that moment, glaring at Colin Vale with hate.

"I don't know who you are and I do not care. Let Luna go and you get today to run. But I will find you and I /will/ kill you for this." Eli tells him, raising his hand.

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2011-06-02 01:44 am UTC (link)
Colin Vale looks euphoric as he finally lets Luna go, dropping her to the ground as if he were discarding a can of soda.

"I have a message for you, Eternal. Thulsa Doom says he has not forgotten you, and as you took from him, he will take from you. Now, he has taken the second woman you love from you.

You have one chance to save one of them. You will come alone to him and hear his demands in one night's time. You'll be sent directions.

In the meantime, driving a stake through this one's heart will be much kinder than what she'll endure over the next twenty-four hours or so." Colin says.

With that, he vanishes, as do the rest of the vampires with him, leaving Eli and Luna alone in the clearing.

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2011-06-02 01:55 am UTC (link)
Luna looks at Eli, her vision blurry from losing so much blood.

"Eli..." the pain going through her veins was unbearable.

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(no subject) - [info]blinkandmissme, 2011-06-02 02:06 am UTC

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