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Alex Quill ([info]spacepalm) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-05-24 21:37:00

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Entry tags:alex quill, azura/abel, inactive - dae, lady devil, rocket red panda, team - guardians of the galaxy

Sadly, Typical
"Well, if we want to look on the bright side--" Alex fired another barrage of covering fire. "--there are people that would pay enough to buy Knowhere to get to open fire on a situation like this."

Technarch-derived techno-organic clowns. CLOWNS. This is what his life is, Alex thought to himself, even as he pitied the poor circus that had apparently run afoul of some mad genius' work.

"If you get infected and start wearing giant shoes and telling bad jokes, I will mercy-kill any of you myself. Least I can do."

He could already imagine the old man laughing when he had to file this report. Assuming he lived through it.

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2011-05-25 02:22 pm UTC (link)
Eliza tosses a grenade. It was the best way to deal with a group of them further off. This was just so very different from being an Avenger or a Champion.

Hell, she wasn't even wearing her old costume anymore. A little body suit so she wouldn't hurt herself too badly and that was it pretty much.

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2011-05-26 12:18 pm UTC (link)
"I don't think you're winning, Red," Azura said as she took the head off another clown.

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2011-05-26 12:20 pm UTC (link)
"I've got it easy. I win as long as I make sure to bring all of you back intact enough to keep making my life... interesting." Another hidden smirk, but you can just hear the suppressed chuckle in his tone. He puts his back harder against Azura's to get them both out of the way of an acidic pie thrown their way, before firing an incendiary round.

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2011-05-27 12:04 am UTC (link)
Red swapped his launcher for a Gatling gun, and was soon up to his ankles in shells.

"Am so winning!"

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2011-05-27 01:13 am UTC (link)
Dae stayed silent and kept closer to Eliza while he melted down clown after clown. Seeing how the other three interacted almost made him wish he was home, on Titan. Or back in the classroom on Earth.

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2011-05-27 02:52 am UTC (link)
Eliza just laughed.

"You guys are silly. It doesn't matter who wins." She launches another grenade into the horde of clowns before taking up the gun she had been favoring. Red had pointed her towards it at some point and she took to it like a duck in water.

"What matters is clearing these guys out."

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2011-05-27 02:37 pm UTC (link)
"It matters because the loser buys drinks," Azura said as she sliced one clown down the middle from head to groin. "You are /not/ winning," she told Red.

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2011-05-27 02:39 pm UTC (link)
"You guys go right ahead and see who has the bigger kill-penis. I still say I'm winning because all of you are still alive. DOWN!" He throws an impact grenade at the car the rest of the infected were still pouring out of, diving for partial cover.

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2011-05-27 07:47 pm UTC (link)
Dae put up a telepathic shield to buffer against the explosion.

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2011-05-27 11:17 pm UTC (link)
Red ducked behind cover, pausing to reload. "Am so winning! Guns are being much superior to swords!"

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2011-05-27 11:25 pm UTC (link)
"You just like things that go boom," Eliza teases as she heads for cover.

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2011-05-28 04:45 pm UTC (link)
"In your dreams, Fluffball," she said as she looked at the now wrecked clown car.

She grinned and charged toward it.

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2011-05-28 07:46 pm UTC (link)
Alex tilted his head as he felt Azura's weight vanish from behind him, as she sprinted away.

She may be crazy, but he loves to watch her work. He takes aim and picks off a few clowns moving in from her flanks.

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2011-05-29 11:22 pm UTC (link)
Dae picks off more clowns coming in at Azura from her flanks. He was careful not to hinder her movement with his abilities.

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2011-05-30 01:52 am UTC (link)
Red had since shifted to a two-stage plasma rifle. Charge. Shoot. Charge. Shoot. Charge. Shoot.

"Be eating hot death, clowns!"

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2011-05-30 09:54 pm UTC (link)
Azura shook her head at Red as Godslayer sliced another clown in half.

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2011-05-31 04:08 pm UTC (link)
"My God, this is what fun violence looks like, isn't it?" Eliza has to force herself to not laugh as she takes a few more shots. Then ducks as a cream pie goes soaring past them.

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2011-06-06 08:23 pm UTC (link)
Alex swings around, trying to get to the source of the problem, still firing.

"Azura and Red are blessed to be able to make careers out of doing what they love. Ah... here we go." He finds what appears to be the initial infection point.

"A Technarch-infected whoopie cushion, delivered by courier. Obvious, in hindsight." He switches guns, and torches the pathogen.

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2011-06-06 10:06 pm UTC (link)
Red was busy firing from a grenade launcher.

"Am having much fun!" he declared.

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2011-06-07 10:16 pm UTC (link)
"Too bad there weren't more," Azura said as she took the head off the last one standing.

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