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whoholdsthewhip ([info]whoholdsthewhip) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-05-09 23:17:00

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Entry tags:andrew summers, angelo bennet, giovanna bennet, inactive - cassidy summers, sengai senyaka

Settling In

Things had been moving fast for Sengai Senyaka. First he met with  Andrew Summers, head of the Genosha Consulate, and his bodyguard Giovanna Bennet, http://www.scribbld.com/users/whoholdsthewhip/318.html .  He had explained his reasons for his coming then, the nature of his often difficult powers, and his own desire to to learn about the conflict between humans and mutants.  Summers struck him as a good man, young perhaps, but he defintiely knew what he was talking about. He seemed like the kind of individual Sengai could see himself working under, but he wasn't going to make a hasty decision. Afterwards, Giovanna had engaged him in a sparring session in order for him to attempt to control his powers during a combat scenario.  http://www.scribbld.com/users/burnwithlight/1827.html.  He was pleased the progress, but knew it would still be some time before he was comfortable enough with his powers. Still, it had been a rewarding experience. He was pretty sure he could could consider Andrew and Giovanna friends, but he tried not to get too attached to the idea. Afterall, he wasn't there to make friends.

He was currently in the consulate lunchroom, sash on his shoulders. After the training session, he looked forward to simply sitting and having something to eat.

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2011-05-13 07:33 pm UTC (link)
"I'm guessing you guys are not big on that whole X-Factor thing, huh?" Cassidy asks, with a chuckle.

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2011-05-13 07:36 pm UTC (link)
Andrew fixes his gaze on Gio. "Public perception, not truth. If Magneto were out to destroy all non-mutants, I wouldn't work with him. But like it or not, that is the size of the image problem we have to work with... and if its shocking... good. Because we need to realize what we're up against when we say we're Genoshan to anyone who isn't."

He returns his gaze to Sengai. "While I obviously don't want to see anyone offended, when talking to me, I prefer people not guard their words. I welcome your input. The only way we're ever going to get anywhere is shared perspectives, and realization of everything we're up against. Unlike my uncle and my grandfather, I don't just not mind people questioning me - I encourage it."

And then Cassidy. "Actually, I love X-Factor. They're visible, they're accessible, and they do good works. I just disagree with the principle of doing it out of ratings and paychecks. Its too easy to discredit - but its a step in the right direction."

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2011-05-13 07:42 pm UTC (link)
Gio just nods to Andrew. She knows they're up against a lot. It just makes her so mad. The lives of the human military personell killed by Magneto to save others were more important than the lives of the mutant -- and human! -- civilians slaughtered or endangered by governments for convenience in rounding up mutants.

People who were or liked mutants were worth less, and it made her want to break something. Or someone. But nod was all she did.

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2011-05-13 07:45 pm UTC (link)
Angelo almost has to say something, but he sees the exchange of gazes between Andrew and Gio and buttons his lip. A Bennet keeping their words guarded is something you have to work at, when it comes to conflicts with Magneto doctrine.

"Some of them are... perhaps not the best sort of image for 'out' mutants; but their popularity is an asset." Is the best Angelo can offer regarding X-Factor, especially that loose blonde girl.

And there's the whole thing with Mister Howard and his claims yet to be resolved.

"For better or for worse, this is a city to evoke change. Not the flagship one for innate personal aspects of one's being, like San Francisco, of course, but still one of the most valuable locations to possibly work from."

And now, Angelo has to drag reality into his brain, going against personal preference.

"As Andrew has gotten at..." He locks his jaw, then takes a breath. "Certain mutants feel they should be feared by humans, even if they have no designs of social supremacy." He doesn't quite manage to name names. "And bringing the 'wrong person with a handgun or car' comparison into a debate does not help. It is difficult."

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2011-05-13 07:54 pm UTC (link)
Sengai could see the look on Gio's face and knew she was holding her tonbgue. He decided to take Andrew's suggestion.

"I'm simply trying be realistic myself. In the end it's a matter of majority versus minority. I am a mutant but I am also Tamil. We are native to the island-nation of Sri Lanka, but we are the minority. The Sinhalese have ruled our country from its inception, leaving the Tamil out of power and on the fringes. I was born into an 'us vs them' mentality before my powers even manifested." Sengai said, becoming a little upset as his eyes grew brighter. "The fact is they outnumber us, so by logic 'their' lives matter more than 'ours'. It's a hard fact, but a fact."

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2011-05-13 08:10 pm UTC (link)
Cassidy listens to Sengai's words and can't help but speak just now.

"You can't let that color your whole outlook forever, though, sir. I wasn't born into circumstances like yours, but I was born into the 'us vs. them' thing, too, except in a different way. Sinister believes in instilling fear in others. He doesn't really care about ruling the world; he just wants more people he can work his evil on.

But Andrew said earlier that the biggest problem we face as people is the death of hope. Just because something has always been a certain way doesn't mean it can't change on a dime. I always thought I'd spend my life being other people's punching bag, but one day...that stopped and I didn't know what to do next." Cassidy says.

"Now, you and I both have a chance to change things for the better, whatever that is, and to fix the things we see as being wrong. Maybe I'm being naive, but doesn't that at least make you feel like /anything/ is possible, if we're all willing to work and fight for it?" he asks.

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2011-05-13 08:35 pm UTC (link)
Andrew nods gratefully to Sengai. He appreciates the people backing him, as Gio well knows, but in situations like this, detractors are the ones who provide something to talk about. Preaching to a choir is easy, and rarely means much.

"That's my point exactly. As long as people can put things in a box, make it greater than or less than - its easy. If they can brush it into the shadows, moreso.

African Americans in the United States are still a minority here, but made their struggle visible in the 1960's, and refused to be marginalized. And then they equated their struggle to that of the garbage workers union, that of other minorities... and suddenly things began to change. But until someone shared his dream... and walked down Main Street, USA, thousands strong, very little changed.

We see the same scenario played out all over the world. Kurds, Sunnis and Shias... Israel and Palestine, South Africa, Hong Kong, Tamil and Sinhalese, Mutants and non-Mutants.

Us versus them is very easy. Its played out countless times over the ages. And as long as we take Xavier's path its easy to remain marginalized... and as long as we take Magneto's, its easy to be villainized.

I'd rather point out that we are here, we cannot be ignored, and we will not go away... but we are also humans right along with being mutants, and we can be here to help if you'll let us.

You talk, with anger, about hard truths and what is reality. Let me offer one of my own:
What was reality in the 1940's for one minority in the United States is not the truth in 2011 - but we needed a long, hot summer to get there.
What was truth in South Africa in the 1970's is not the truth in 2011. But we needed Nelson Mandela to go to prison to get there.
What was reality in 1938 western Europe is not true today... but it took a horrorshow of epic proportions.

There are a thousand more horrid realities around the world today. They exist, they are as terrible and regrettable today as they were in any other time period. And its easy, very easy, to accept they will always be.

But the hard, hard truth is that time has shown us that Reality can be changed, by sufficiently determined people who are willing to work, fight and sacrifice for their cause.

What is true today does not have to be true tomorrow, but it will never be easy.

And that's the reality I know."

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2011-05-13 08:40 pm UTC (link)
And Gio finally smiles again. She loves him so much, and he shines when he's like this.

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2011-05-13 08:44 pm UTC (link)
Sengai takes a moment to absorb all that Andrew has said. Finally he nods with a smile as he shakes his head.

"You certainly know how to get people's attention, Mr. Summers. I will..try not to let my life experiences cloud my judgement on this." His eyes visibly dim a bit in accordance with his emotional state. "I only worry about what level of sacrifices that will have to be made before the point is understood to those who oppose our efforts."

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2011-05-13 08:56 pm UTC (link)
Andrew relaxes a little, starting to look towards his tea cup, not pleased that it seems to be empty.

"Andrew, please. We're all equals, and hopefully friends here. I'm an idealogue... getting people's attention is what I do well... while being horrible at remembering to eat and knowing what day it is.

You said the important thing though, the 'our efforts', part. Because as long as its me, I'm only going to get so much done.... Giovanna has been a consistent godsend to be sure. She does a lot of the things well that I'm terrible at. Angelo helps keep us well fed... everyone has something to contribute.

That's the one thing Xavier has done pretty well with Uncle Scott, Cousin Rachel and others, and I give him credit for. Because as long as this is my dream, then this is largely where it stays, in politics and international relations.

Its when it becomes an 'our dream' that the world can change."

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2011-05-13 09:03 pm UTC (link)
Cassidy can only nod at Andrew's words. He seemed to have a very tight-knit unit here, which Cassidy was glad for. He didn't know how or where he'd fit in among Andrew's responsibilities, but he was certain he'd come back and see them all again very soon.

He liked being able to discuss these ideas in an open setting with people who listened.

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2011-05-13 09:16 pm UTC (link)
Andrew will only be able to glance at his cup for a few moments before Angelo is refilling it for him. He is very good at getting people's attention.

He absolutely beams at the compliment, even if it's a little more on the mundane side of his aspirations.

Putting the teapot aside, he walks up to Cassidy, and simply smiles and offers him a hand. "Things don't always have to be dire. We're always happy to welcome any contribution, as long as it's given earnestly." Gio puts up with plenty of his behavior based on earnest alone.

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2011-05-14 01:48 am UTC (link)
Gio sighs just a little. That was her baby brother for you.

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2011-05-14 04:22 am UTC (link)
Cassidy shakes Angelo's hand and offers him a smile.

"Well, I'd like to get to know everyone here, if I can. You've all known my brother longer than I have, so maybe I can learn to fit in around here from all of you." Cassidy says.

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2011-05-14 04:24 am UTC (link)
"Well, I can tell you right now, any attempt to set him up with a girl will meet with severe disapproval from his security detail." Giovanna smiles when she says it, then her face changes.

"There is something I wanted to ask you, Cassidy."

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2011-05-14 04:26 am UTC (link)
"Oh, sure. How can I help?" he asks.

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2011-05-14 04:28 am UTC (link)
"For health and safety reasons, I'd like the basic essentials on how your suit works." No need to imply that he was trying to hide it. "Is it like your father's old suit? What are the distinctions?"

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2011-05-14 04:36 am UTC (link)
Oh. That.

"Well, um...my containment suit measures the amount of sonic energy I've stored up, based on how much sound I absorb. That's what I do; I absorb sound in all of its form and convert it into sonic energy.

The rings are a vibranium alloy, but the suit itself tries to dampen as much of the sound absorption as it can. I have to be careful not to tear or rip it, as that destabilizes the containment." Cassidy tells her.

"I'm working on ways to control my power, but without the suit, I'd...be a lot worse off." Cassidy says.

He doesn't want to elaborate on just /how much/ worse off he'd be, because then he'd have to tell them about Fargo.

He can't tell them about that.


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2011-05-14 04:42 am UTC (link)
Gio listens. "Good to know. Thanks. Do tears tend to be noticeable, or can they sneak up on you? And how much has Xavier's taught you about defending yourself?"

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2011-05-14 04:59 am UTC (link)
"I check my suit at least once a day now, but I recently had a tear I didn't notice until an issue cropped up. If you're looking, a tear is pretty noticeable, when I'm not wearing clothes to cover it." Cassidy says.

"And I've learned a little bit about how to defend myself. A friend of mine taught me before he went back to his dimension, but we didn't get very far. I know a few basic punches and a couple of restraining holds, but that's it." he says.

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2011-05-14 05:04 am UTC (link)
"That's good," says Gio. "I have no criticism of the physical curriculum available at Xavier's, but they might not have realized you intended to associate with Genoshans, and all the added interesting matters thereby. So if you want to talk more about practice sometime, let me know."

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2011-05-14 05:30 am UTC (link)
Cassidy nods and smiles.

"I'd like that a lot." he says.

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2011-05-14 02:15 pm UTC (link)
Sengai had chosen this moment to address Cassidy.

"I too am an absorber, save with me it is with various forms of energy. My body can instintively sense the energy inside you, though it is somewhat unpleasant-feelings. I believe your suit is somehow blocking it. How does it work?"

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2011-05-14 04:18 pm UTC (link)
Cassidy looks to Sengai.

"The way it was explained to me is that my body absorbs all sound around me, all of the time. My suit both slows down the amount coming in as well as the amount going out. If I let it, my body would release the energy in all directions, the same as I absorb it." Cassidy says.

"Sorry if I'm causing you any trouble." he says quietly.

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2011-05-14 08:01 pm UTC (link)
"No need to apologize. It's usually much worse. I believe your suit is somehow lessening the effect." Sengai assured. "My powers are difficult to control at times as well."

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(no subject) - [info]sound_and_fury, 2011-05-14 11:58 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]whoholdsthewhip, 2011-05-15 12:47 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]sound_and_fury, 2011-05-15 01:34 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]assaultnbattery, 2011-05-15 11:21 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]burnwithlight, 2011-05-16 04:38 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]assaultnbattery, 2011-05-16 04:43 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]sound_and_fury, 2011-05-16 11:47 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]assaultnbattery, 2011-05-16 05:08 pm UTC

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