Andrew nods gratefully to Sengai. He appreciates the people backing him, as Gio well knows, but in situations like this, detractors are the ones who provide something to talk about. Preaching to a choir is easy, and rarely means much.
"That's my point exactly. As long as people can put things in a box, make it greater than or less than - its easy. If they can brush it into the shadows, moreso.
African Americans in the United States are still a minority here, but made their struggle visible in the 1960's, and refused to be marginalized. And then they equated their struggle to that of the garbage workers union, that of other minorities... and suddenly things began to change. But until someone shared his dream... and walked down Main Street, USA, thousands strong, very little changed.
We see the same scenario played out all over the world. Kurds, Sunnis and Shias... Israel and Palestine, South Africa, Hong Kong, Tamil and Sinhalese, Mutants and non-Mutants.
Us versus them is very easy. Its played out countless times over the ages. And as long as we take Xavier's path its easy to remain marginalized... and as long as we take Magneto's, its easy to be villainized.
I'd rather point out that we are here, we cannot be ignored, and we will not go away... but we are also humans right along with being mutants, and we can be here to help if you'll let us.
You talk, with anger, about hard truths and what is reality. Let me offer one of my own:
What was reality in the 1940's for one minority in the United States is not the truth in 2011 - but we needed a long, hot summer to get there.
What was truth in South Africa in the 1970's is not the truth in 2011. But we needed Nelson Mandela to go to prison to get there.
What was reality in 1938 western Europe is not true today... but it took a horrorshow of epic proportions.
There are a thousand more horrid realities around the world today. They exist, they are as terrible and regrettable today as they were in any other time period. And its easy, very easy, to accept they will always be.
But the hard, hard truth is that time has shown us that Reality can be changed, by sufficiently determined people who are willing to work, fight and sacrifice for their cause.
What is true today does not have to be true tomorrow, but it will never be easy.
And that's the reality I know."
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