"Alright, first... given what you've found, I'm entirely willing to believe that you're my brother, and my father is yours as well. You're not the first family I've discovered that I hadn't known I had...
Second, you're neither problem nor inconvenience. You're family. Our family is full of all sorts of... issues. These things happen. Given what you're saying, I'll trust you understand when I say you're a security risk, probably without your will... Sinister does that. That neither makes you a spy, a problem or any less my blood. In truth, it pretty much just makes you a Summers.
As for going down that road, unlike our father and Scott Summers, I invite people to disagree with me. I disagree in equal measure with Charles Xavier and Eric Lensherr, and agree with them in other degrees. Despite that, I can co-exist with people who disagree with me - and welcome discussion.
As for the disagreement between the elder brothers Summer, Mother and Father disagreed with Magneto as firmly as ever, but believed that there was good that could come out of Genosha as long as it didn't fall into fanaticism, and lack viewpoints other than Magneto's. Scott Summers felt that absolutely nothing could come of any sort of alliance with Magneto. The relationship was troubled before that - but that was the dividing point."
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