Airing Grievances
"And we're back. If you're just joining us, we're talking today about what local voices have been calling the 'Exodus of Mutant Town', along with the current wave of mutant crime sweeping the five boroughs. With us are Julian Howard, the man behind the modern sensation of X-Factor, and Police Captain Erica Strauss, of the 11th Precinct, which oversees District X.
Before we had to go to break, Mister Howard had brought up the reports of disappearances of transients and the alleged sewer-dwellers of the district. Captain Strauss, your thoughts?"
Strauss gave a practiced smile and tilted her head with a modest shrug. "Well, to be honest, we're at a bit of a loss for the situation. Strictly speaking, we're not even sure that people like that can be classified as 'missing'."
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