Wake up call
Rose. Rose. It' time to wake up.
Don't you think you've slept for long enough?
-No. Hurts. Let me stay here. It's quite here.-
Stop lying Rose. You know the pain stopped. Why are you asleep?
It's time to wake up Rose.
She became aware that she was in a bed. She had no pants. She was covered in a blanket and she could hear machines going around her. There was a tube down her throat too. Her eyes flickered open.
Then suddenly she heard people. A nurse had been passing by. Then there was a nod from Rose when the nurse acted if she was awake. Of course she is. It takes them time to work on her. It takes a few hours before they take the tube out. She's still going to be on a liquid diet but they think she's going to get better.
They leave her so she can rest and finally she sees the date.
"Oh my god. It's been a... almost a year," she mutters in a hoarse tone with wide eyes. No it's been longer.
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