My Dream Girl
Lucas studied the regulations carefully, and spoke a little with a couple of the more reasonable advisors. No, they really shouldn't be on a planned, unsupervised co-ed camping trip. But nothing is stopping them from both happening to go camping in similar locations on the same summer weekday. As such, Lucas has left a note for Moira on his plans to go camping, and where he'll be without officially inviting her.
He's packed enough food and supplies for two - with enough homemade oat cakes for four or five, at least, and headed deep into the woods, after informing Logan of his location so someone can check in if needed and no one will get too stuffy or worried about them going missing.
That all done, he's shed most of his clothing and traded it for his ceremonial garb, and begun crafting a new dream catcher, sitting cross-legged at the edge of a stream running through the woods, his supplies laid out around him.
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