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Prince Ahura Boltagon ([info]eyesofjudgement) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-05-04 19:23:00

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Entry tags:akilah munroe, inactive - ahura, inactive - swashbuckler, kalypso, luna maximoff, mac rider, ryan spector, team - avengers

New Arrival (Open to New York Avengers)
He arrives at the front gate with the clothes on his back, a couple of suitcases (he thinks that's what they're called) and, most important, his sunglasses upon his face. He hopes these other Avengers will not keep him waiting.

Ahura stands tall, straight and proud, awaiting someone to acknowledge his arrival. His parents seem to believe that these Avengers are worthy allies and that he can learn from them.

He waits to be impressed.

"Now, which one of these people is the one I'm supposed to speak to about staying here? Chauncey, you called him?" Ahura asks.

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2011-05-05 10:12 pm UTC (link)
She nodded to Mac with a small smile, and then gave Ryan the same. She hadn't acknowledged them before that, with her interest being on Luna and Ahura.

"It is good to meet you as well, Prince Ahura Boltagon of Attilan," she informed him, also lowering her head in respect. She enjoyed how he handled himself for their first meeting. "However, my father is no longer the Black Panther. I currently hold that title."

She couldn't help but feel proud to say that.

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2011-05-05 10:33 pm UTC (link)
"Nah it's cool," Ryan says, "Just as long as no one expects me to start bowing to everyone it's fine. knight of the round table or not, just not something I really do."

"I'll go and find Charlie then," Ryan says making a move to leave.

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2011-05-06 01:26 am UTC (link)
Ahura nods at Akilah's words. "Please excuse my mistake. How long do you plan to stay in America?" he asks.

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2011-05-06 01:56 am UTC (link)
"No need for apology," she said. "As for my stay- I plan to remain here until I am needed in Wakanda, or until I feel that I am ready to return. What of you, Prince Ahura? How long is your stay in America?"

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2011-05-06 02:38 am UTC (link)
"Much the same. I am here to learn about human culture, as my parents felt it was necessary to round out my education." Ahura says smoothly.

It was the truth, mostly.

"Although, I do hope to see another country or two as well, so that I may gain a deeper understand of humanity. My current information gives me pause." he says.

When Kalypso speaks up, Ahura's attention turns to her.

"Hello. I am Prince Ahura Boltagon of the Inhumans of Attilan. I have come to join the Avengers, as you may have heard. Luna Maximoff is my cousin." he tells Kal.

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2011-05-06 02:51 am UTC (link)
Kal smiled at him. "Kalypso of the Olympia Eternals," she said. "It is a pleasure to meet you Prince Ahura. Our people have called each other friend and allies in the past and I hope one day I can call you friend and ally as well."

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2011-05-06 02:53 am UTC (link)
If he wasn't telling the whole truth, Akilah couldn't tell. While she was good at noticing that sort of thing, not everybody could be read so easily.

"If you are to join the Avengers, you will be sure to see the world outside of America," she said. "Should you wish to know of Wakanda, I would be willing to share knowledge of it."

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2011-05-06 02:59 am UTC (link)
Charlie came back with Ryan a couple of minutes later. He was sweaty, having just come from a workout, his shield in hand.

"Ryan said something about a new member?" He asked, before noticing Luna and Ahura.

"Hey Luna...and this is a friend of yours who wants to join the Avengers, I'm guessing?"

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2011-05-06 03:00 am UTC (link)
"This is my cousin, Ahura," Luna said. "Ahura, this is Charlie Rogers. He leads the Avengers."

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2011-05-06 03:06 am UTC (link)
They had an Eternal on the team as well? The Avengers were truly the melting pot he'd heard they were. Ahura can't help it; his estimation of these people is rising somewhat, despite himself.

"Akilah, Kalypso I would like to know anything you wish to teach me regarding Wakanda and Olympia, respectively. The information is appreciated it." Ahura says.

"Luna, do you know where we can get pizza here? I would like to treat all of you to pizza, as a hello." Ahura says.

Luna is probably the only person in the room who knows that Ahura enjoys pizza more than most humans.

He will deny it, of course.

Ahura looks upon Charlie, noting his exertion. He also notes the shield, which he recognizes as similar to the one he saw in the holos of Captain America.

"You are Charlie. I am to speak to you about membership in the Avengers, am I not? Perhaps we can discuss what is necessary over pizza? I thought everyone might enjoy such this evening. I have become fond of this food." Ahura says.

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2011-05-06 03:10 am UTC (link)
"Big Nick's," Luna said. "Their pizza is excellent."

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2011-05-06 03:11 am UTC (link)
"We can discuss it over pizza, if that's what you'd like to do." Charlie said with a smile and a nod.

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2011-05-06 06:20 am UTC (link)
"Pizza sounds great. No place makes it like New York -- never trust the Skrulls about their pizza-equivalent."

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2011-05-06 05:26 pm UTC (link)
"Yeah I could definitely go for some pizza," Ryan says, "Eating there or here?"

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2011-05-06 07:56 pm UTC (link)
"Pizza sounds wonderful."

Kal smiled at Mac. "Don't eat it on Titan either. Just a word of warning."

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2011-05-07 02:27 am UTC (link)
"I think we should have it delivered, if possible." Ahura suggests, looking around at everyone.

"Is this agreeable?" he asks.

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2011-05-07 12:32 pm UTC (link)
"Good idea," Kal said. "I'll go have Jarvis place a call and get things set up in the rec room.

Kal totally didn't mind lending a hand.

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2011-05-09 02:10 am UTC (link)
Akilah gave a nod of approval to the idea of pizza, and it being delivered. The shops were dirty.

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