A Bite To Eat
The Royal Wedding had been fabulous and Anya had enjoyed every second of the ceremony and reception. She held Steve's hand through most of it, even when they talked to William and Kate to congratulate them. Anya loved big fancy parties, but she knew Steve didn't. So outside of the wedding they took time and did some sighseeing and whatever else he was interested in.
It was Saturday night and Anya planned on dinner for her and Steve with Lyta and Misha. It wasn't going to be fancy. Instead it was at the pub that two members of Excalibur owned. Anya was dying for a burger with the works. She sent a text to Misha and Lyta with the time and location.
She slid into a chair next to Steve. "I'm dying for a burger." She was dressed as inconspicuously as possible. Jeans, blouse, leather jacket and her favorite boots. No one would believe that she was a princess.
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