A lucrative investment
Julian's plane touched down in New Orleans shortly after nightfall. The investors he'd spoken to were excited about the new club he wanted to open, but they weren't sold on the idea of New Orleans. The city had seen some hard times in recent years, but it was slowly building back, like Fargo, Georgia. For that, Julian thought it was the perfect place to build something that would endure into the future.
Not to mention, he also has plans to build a recording studio in Fargo in the near future, but that's another time and place.
Today, he's here to meet with the last potential investor and see if he can allay any concerns she has. Julian's been doing this for a few weeks, but a lot business issues have delayed this meeting. He hopes that this woman is worth the trouble of a face-to-face meeting, because he's not sure he can take one more vapid socialite filled with botox and silicone trying to get one over on him.
He arranged to meet Lyta Braddock-Worthington at the Seasons Restaurant, and hoped she wouldn't be late.
He hated tardiness. He was ten minutes early, himself.
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