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Kassia Grace Frost-McKenzie ([info]little_mermaid) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-04-10 18:48:00

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Entry tags:inactive - kassia frost, mac rider, nimue smallwood, npc - namor, plot-"kassia goes to hell"

The best defense (Mac, Namor, Marrina)
Each round was getting harder and though she was loathe to admit it, it was becoming increasingly clear to Kassia that she did not know as much about Atlantis as she should.  It chewed at her, the idea that perhaps there was merit to the voices that were steadily whispering about how a pink royal was worthless and not truly an Atlantean with Atlantean interests at heart.  Except they used the term "bastard dirtwalker" in reference to her.  They still hadn't taken kindly to the idea of her.

She had to shake the thoughts from her head, though.  Namor and his army was going to attack again and she had volunteered to make this raid herself.  Anything to find where the opponent was camped and, perhaps, shut down some of his forces.  They'd managed to shut down the left flank of Namor's forces two days earlier with this technique, though Mac had artfully used a double-agent to execute that operation.  This, this was all Kassia.  She could do this.  She could shut Namor down, win War Games, and prove herself.  Gripping the spear that was her weapon, she took a deep breath and left the safety of the corner she was hiding behind, heading for her target as silently as possible.

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2011-04-13 10:07 am UTC (link)
In the infirmary Kassia is hooked up to various machines and monitors. The medics had gotten her breathing again in short order, but now the doctors were monitoring everything with scrutiny. In the bed, the princess looked small and pale, her war games attire gone and replaced with a simple white hospital-style gown. It seemed to swallow her nearly whole.

"We're monitoring the swelling in her brain, my king," the attending doctor said with concern in his voice. "But there isn't much more I can tell you. We hope that when the swelling goes down we will know more, but you must understand that it is possible that she will never wake up."

Kassia lay perfectly still, unmoving. Meanwhile, in her mind, she woke up on a dry, gritty beach of sorts parched by blazing heat.


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2011-04-15 01:41 am UTC (link)
"If you are hoping he succumbed to a clever attack from a mere slip of a girl, you have ensured your disappointment," said a figure long dead.

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2011-04-15 01:44 am UTC (link)
Kassia pulled herself up from the ground and squinted under the harsh light.

"Who are you and where is my father?"

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2011-04-15 01:48 am UTC (link)
"Your father is alive. I am dead. You...are somewhere between. But you will likely be joining me unless you can defeat your opponent."

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2011-04-15 01:49 am UTC (link)
"Is this some sort of war games prank? Dad?" Kassi walks around a bit but all she can see is endless desert. The heat is killing her. "What do you mean I'm somewhere between. This isn't funny."

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2011-04-15 01:56 am UTC (link)
"You will recall your rash attempt to ambush your father on your own?"

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2011-04-15 02:01 am UTC (link)
"He was onto me, and he knocked me backwards. I was about to get up when I ended up here. What does that have to do with anything?"

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2011-04-15 02:03 am UTC (link)
"You never got up. Your body lies on a slab in the infirmary, and your soul faces its fate."

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2011-04-15 02:05 am UTC (link)
"What fate? Look, I don't know who you are, but I have a battle to win."

She starts to walk away from him, but slows down. She does remember the blinding pain when her head hit the wall.

"Where am I?"

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2011-04-15 02:28 am UTC (link)
"Some might call it Erebus. Others might simply call it Hell. You are in Hell. You took a grave injury in your foolhardy attack, and now you are at the brink of death and stuck in Hell, where you are clearly exhibiting the same level of problem-solving skills that got you into this situation."

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2011-04-15 02:32 am UTC (link)
"Hell is a stretch of scorched land and you're my morose spirit guide?' Kassi snorted, a bit reminiscent of her father. But if what he said was true, she had to get out of there. She didn't want to die, not like this.

"You mentioned something of an opponent. What of that?"

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2011-04-15 02:52 am UTC (link)
"The nature of the challenges coming is yours to discover, but what matters in the end is that you defeat the ultimate opponent."

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2011-04-15 10:01 am UTC (link)
Kassia was starting to wonder if cryptic and obtuse was something Atlantean children learned in school; this guy spoke like her Father, who spoke like all his advisers, who were all cryptic and obtuse.

"Fabulous," she grumbled and tried to tie her hair up. It was hot and she was miserable. It wouldn't be long until she was entirely sapped of strength. What then? How could she fight anyone if she were weak? "I'm in Hell with my ow private War Games. So, spirit guide, do I go to the fight or does it come to me?"

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2011-04-15 03:57 pm UTC (link)
"It matters little. I will likely see you soon. For all eternity."

And he vanishes.

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