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nextgen_misc ([info]nextgen_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-08-18 21:52:00

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Entry tags:awesome andrea, kristoff vernard, npc - stature, team - fantastic four, vincent vernard

Time travel: not for the faint of heart
The Fantastic Four’s new location was, as it had been last time, in the middle of a busy square. The architecture of the buildings was different, more advanced and with an oriental feel. There was a garden in the center of the square, well cared for and vibrant. Not very far from the square there was a Sphinx. If the unwilling time travelers at first assumed that they were In Egypt, they could not be faulted. However, there was a landmark that would place them in New York City: the Statue of Liberty. At least that was it had been. Now Lady Liberty was transformed, now bearing a striking resemblance to one member of their team: Cassandra Lang.

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2009-08-23 03:36 am UTC (link)
"You are... different from me," Andrea said to her counterpart. "I cannot identify your make-up at all." There was an implicit what happened? in her statement as well.

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2009-08-23 03:38 am UTC (link)
The older Andrea's smile was small and perhaps a little sad. "To be young and technological," she said. "How I sought to understand the world around me, always wondering about my place in it."

"I am different, that I once was," she agreed with her younger self. "And as Vincent said, I was very nearly lost. He risked much for me. Much more than he should have."

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2009-08-23 05:01 am UTC (link)
The younger mage scowls accusingly at his older self. "Why didn't you protect her? Protect her AND Cassandra What happened?"

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2009-08-23 05:07 am UTC (link)
The man says nothing, but looks back with his usual calm. "What happened to Cassandra is best discussed with our brother. As for my jewel.." He stroked his Andrea's cheek.

"She was destroyed beyond repair or duplication of her consciousness. I knew magical means to save her, but there was no power within my grasp to grant her a true soul to act upon." He looks at the teenagers. "I was granted a pact with Destiny, when I was on the verge of offering myself to much worse. She granted Andrea a soul, and I fashioned her a golem's body to inhabit." He looks over her fondly. "There have been many improvements... but the cost for the boon was... something very dire."

He looks sad, the first emotion besides mild comfort at Andrea's presence that he has displayed.

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2009-08-23 05:37 am UTC (link)
On the list of things Andrea considered herself rather unconcerned with, her own mortality was high on the list. Barring truly catastrophic damage, there was little that could be done to her that could not be repaired, eventually.

Or so she had thought.

Her more immediate concern, however, was Vincent. Her Vincent, at any rate. "You must promise me you will never do such a thing. I would not wish you to sacrifice yourself for me."

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2009-08-23 05:39 am UTC (link)
The Future Andrea's smile and embrace of her Vincent is no less warm or fond.

"You should already know by now you cannot make him promise that. He has always been too self-sacrificing for his own good."

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2009-08-23 05:42 am UTC (link)
Vincent is about to reply, when the Andrea golem beats him to it. "Really now.. that must be a new development."

He looks at his older self cautiously. "I... I gave up my soul, didn't I?"

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2009-08-23 05:45 am UTC (link)
"No... much worse." The older Vincent replies quietly.

"I gave up my future. I see everything in my lifetime, and that of those closest to me, laid out as far as I will live. I cannot speak of it, record it, or act in any way to change it. Not even so much as to express horror, joy, rage, or sadness for what I might know."

He kisses his Andrea softly. "And I would have given up far more to save you."

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2009-08-23 06:12 am UTC (link)
Andrea, being an artificial lifeform, has quite the thesaurus available. Nevertheless, she is quite without words for the current situation and explanation.

Instead of speaking, she simply grasps her Vincent, holding him tightly.

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2009-08-23 06:16 am UTC (link)
The kiss is returned, the presence of her younger self reminding Andrea of how much she has changed since those days.

"You have always been noble," she told the younger Vincent. "You just did not know it."

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2009-08-23 06:42 am UTC (link)
Vincent furrows his brow and grumbles, not entirely sure he's comfortable with that praise. He looks at his older self over Andrea's shoulder as she embraces him.

"This... is more than just dating, isn't it?"

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2009-08-23 06:58 am UTC (link)
"I can't presume to tell you your future. I only know mine."

Maybe, just maybe, there was a little crack of a smile at the corner of his lips. It's quickly hidden by turning his gaze towards his Andrea, stroking her hair.

"Was I ever really that young?"

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2009-08-23 07:08 am UTC (link)
"You were, I think," the elder Andrea said. "And most adorable for it."

"You said," the younger Andrea began, "you said you have her--me--her--me..

"Excuse me. Tense error. You said that you gave her a soul. She reads much closer to a living being than I do. What... what does that make me?"

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2009-08-23 07:14 am UTC (link)
"A very good start." Is the older Vincent's reply, sparing her a glance. "My earlier wording may have been poor."

He turns to look at her directly, ignoring his younger self's possessive counter-stare. "It is not within my purview to work my magics upon what makes you yourself... but your life existed long before I gave you a new body. Do not let your own perceptions of your origin confuse your perception of your worth or..." He pauses. "..what makes you real."

Yeah, he found out about that conversation with Kristoff, eventually.

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2009-08-23 07:31 am UTC (link)
Andrea nodded thoughtfully at his explanation. She had little doubts of her own existence, though the strangeness of the other her had certainly brought some to the surface. She was as she was made, built with the potential to grow and change and become.

"Thank-you," she said.

"You have amazing potential," the older Andrea told her. "You will make our father very proud."

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