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nextgen_misc ([info]nextgen_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-08-18 21:52:00

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Entry tags:awesome andrea, kristoff vernard, npc - stature, team - fantastic four, vincent vernard

Time travel: not for the faint of heart
The Fantastic Four’s new location was, as it had been last time, in the middle of a busy square. The architecture of the buildings was different, more advanced and with an oriental feel. There was a garden in the center of the square, well cared for and vibrant. Not very far from the square there was a Sphinx. If the unwilling time travelers at first assumed that they were In Egypt, they could not be faulted. However, there was a landmark that would place them in New York City: the Statue of Liberty. At least that was it had been. Now Lady Liberty was transformed, now bearing a striking resemblance to one member of their team: Cassandra Lang.

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2009-08-21 08:12 pm UTC (link)
The woman, by and large, looked little different from the one who had arrived with the Fantastic Four. Perhaps just a touch older, there was also something that could only be described as more "natural" about her, about the way she moved and spoke.

"You are too hard on yourself, Kristoff," the older Andrea said, before she embraced the older Vincent.

"I was worried," she told him. "I am glad you returned safely."

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2009-08-21 08:18 pm UTC (link)
This was turning into quite the surprising day for Andrea. The time-travel, Scotty, the sudden appearance of a future version of Vincent (what had happened to him?!), then Kristoff, and now finally... herself?

All together, her processor was having a difficult job keeping up.

"What...? How..?"

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2009-08-21 09:48 pm UTC (link)
Those without processors were having difficulty keeping up as well. Vincent ran his hands through his hair, watching the scarred elder version of himself embrace another Andrea.

"I'm not seeing this... it's all some terrible dream... maybe Mother is testing me... or that Doom we dealt with is warping reality... The Celestials perhaps? It could be Thanos, but he usually confronts the Avengers or Adam Warlock..."

All the suppressed panic and frustration from the previous world seemed to have reached it's breaking point, along with the horrors this one was displaying.

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2009-08-21 10:58 pm UTC (link)
"Vincent, please," Kristoff says, his voice sympathetic but firm. "Hush."

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2009-08-22 12:15 am UTC (link)
This was Cassie's worst nightmare come to life. Nothing she had seen indicated that this world's past was any different from her own.

She'd worked so hard to try and raise Scotty right so that, even if Kang did find him... But she obviously hadn't done enough.

"Kristoff," Cassie knelt beside the alternate version of the man she loved and put her arms around him. "It's not your fault. You did everything you could."

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2009-08-22 12:58 am UTC (link)
His arms wrap around her, his eyes closed. After a few moments, when they're getting to their feet, he says "We are in the middle of preparing for something."

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2009-08-22 01:45 am UTC (link)
"Preparing for what?" They couldn't be planning an attack on her son. He was doing horrible things but that didn't mean he couldn't- she just needed to talk to him.

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2009-08-22 02:01 am UTC (link)
"And for the record, we leave in seven hours and forty-seven minutes," Kristoff says to the room at large.

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2009-08-22 02:03 am UTC (link)
"A jailbreak, after a fashion. I suppose 'laboratorybreak' would be more accurate," the older Kristoff explains.

He meets his younger counterparts eyes with a substantial amount of loathing, and is met with the same. "Noted," he says coolly, and they nod, acknowledging that they simply shouldn't talk to each other just yet.

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2009-08-22 02:23 am UTC (link)
Andrea's first impulse, not unlike the previous world, is to offer assistance. Here, however, she is able to censor herself before making the vocalization. This is for Kristoff to decide.

Instead, her gaze settles on her counterpart and the future version of Vincent, her eyes questioning.

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2009-08-22 02:24 am UTC (link)
"It is a... long story," the future Andrea said, quietly.

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2009-08-22 05:58 am UTC (link)
Vincent finally managed to compose himself somewhat. He followed the interplay between the versions of his brother with concern. He murmurs to Andrea. "We need to get out of here before one of them kills the other, concern for the time-stream be damned..."

He addresses the others boldly, drawing himself up and empowering his words slightly. "This world will not be allowed to come to pass. I--" He corrects himself, gesturing to the Fantastics. "We will not let it."

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2009-08-22 06:08 am UTC (link)
"Heaven and hell could not part me from you for longer than need be, my jewel." The scarred man addresses the other Andrea briefly, stroking a hand through her hair protectively before turning his gaze on his younger self.

"Arrogant little upstart, I see." He snorts. "Kristoff was right in our youth." His voice is still void of emotion. "That's well and good for you, but for those of us already living here, we have our own concerns to maintain. We've lost and sacrificed much already." His embrace of Andrea tightens instinctively.

His eyes flash, and the room is bathed in mystical light, images of a highly secured facility materializing in the center. "Lang has a considerable number of individuals held in this facility, for scientific purposes. We mean to deny him the benefit of those resources any further." Different colors flicker over the imagery.

"Though it is my most fervent wish to bring the fight to Lang so directly as to make further conquest sicken him to his core,--" He avoids the gaze of Cassandra or the Kristoffs "--our mission is a hit and run. A short release of maximum force on a precise target."

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2009-08-22 06:32 am UTC (link)
"...Please tell me you're not going to kill my son." Cassie said. Still feeling the effects of the tear gas, more tears fell down her face. She wiped them away with one hand.

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2009-08-22 06:55 am UTC (link)
Kristoff shakes his head. "Ideally, we will be in and out before it's even gotten his full attention." the older Kristoff declines to address what some people might want to do someday if possible. "The loss of the people serving as power supplies alone should impair several of the systems of the most relevance worldwide."

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2009-08-22 07:08 am UTC (link)
"I can think of another way to distract him. Send me back. I want to talk to him." Both groups of heroes should recognize that voice. It was the 'Screw whatever you think, I'm doing this anyway' voice.

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2009-08-22 07:11 am UTC (link)
"Cassandra.... do not ask my brother to see you lost again. Scott Lang is long dead, so far as we should all be concerned."

The elder Vincent's eyes fix on the Andreas. "For all the conqueror has taken from us, his life is the least of his penance. He will live only to see justice served."

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2009-08-22 07:38 am UTC (link)
Cassie turned on the older Vincent. "SHUT UP! I am going to see my son. If anyone can get through to him it will be me. And even if not he hasn't had a mother in God knows how long so just take me to see him. Drop me off, come back here. I don't care. I am seeing my son!"

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2009-08-22 07:47 am UTC (link)
"I'm not taking you anywhere." His reply is composed, and the finality of it hangs in the air.

Sensing who his next argument is about to come from, his eyes flash at his younger self. "And you'll find him quite unable to as well, so long as I will it."

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2009-08-22 07:53 am UTC (link)
Neither Kristoff looks at all happy with any of the older Vincent's choice of words, but.

"Cassandra," Kristoff said very quietly. "There would be the issue of getting you out of there again. We can't risk your not being in range of the transmat when it sends us back ...back Scotty as we left him..."

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2009-08-22 08:03 am UTC (link)
"But he's my son. I can't-" Her voice broke and she closed her eyes. "Sorry."

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2009-08-22 08:40 pm UTC (link)
Kristoff holds her. "Nothing to apologize for."

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2009-08-23 01:58 am UTC (link)
"This is but one possible future, Cassandra," Andrea said. "This is not what will be, but what may be. And with knowledge of it, the likelihood of this becoming our future decreases with every moment we spend here."

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2009-08-23 02:35 am UTC (link)
"Cassandra, I tell you emphatically, this will not come to pass." Vincent says forcefully, trying to summon a teleportation spell just to prove his older self wrong, but feeling nothing.

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2009-08-23 02:49 am UTC (link)
"But it's-" Cassie pinched the bridge of her nose. "It's all ready happened in this world." And that was one world too many.

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(no subject) - [info]nextgen_misc, 2009-08-23 02:53 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]nextgen_misc, 2009-08-23 02:55 am UTC

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