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nextgen_misc ([info]nextgen_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
"Heaven and hell could not part me from you for longer than need be, my jewel." The scarred man addresses the other Andrea briefly, stroking a hand through her hair protectively before turning his gaze on his younger self.

"Arrogant little upstart, I see." He snorts. "Kristoff was right in our youth." His voice is still void of emotion. "That's well and good for you, but for those of us already living here, we have our own concerns to maintain. We've lost and sacrificed much already." His embrace of Andrea tightens instinctively.

His eyes flash, and the room is bathed in mystical light, images of a highly secured facility materializing in the center. "Lang has a considerable number of individuals held in this facility, for scientific purposes. We mean to deny him the benefit of those resources any further." Different colors flicker over the imagery.

"Though it is my most fervent wish to bring the fight to Lang so directly as to make further conquest sicken him to his core,--" He avoids the gaze of Cassandra or the Kristoffs "--our mission is a hit and run. A short release of maximum force on a precise target."

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