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StrongBox ([info]strongbox) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-08-18 18:29:00

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Entry tags:alex bowmaster, inactive - mystic, jordan bochs, melanie hall, nimue smallwood

BBQ time
True to his word, Jordan found the kitchen, but no one cooking. Finding a good selection of the food put out for their arrival, but no grill, he takes a couple grates apart, cleans them up, and sets up a firepit outside with makeshift grills over it. A good fire follows, and its not long before the phantom smells of steak earlier are becoming real ones. The heat doesn't seem to bother him any, beyond being warm enough to hang his shirt over a tree branch. Despite his commentary, he hasn't given anyone a hard time for bikinis or lack thereof.

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2009-08-21 03:18 am UTC (link)
/We could get lucky and not get an asshole/ Alex said as he finished off the last of his steak. They never lasted long.

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2009-08-21 04:08 am UTC (link)
"Think they'll try and stick someone in the Guardian suit?" Marrina asked. "...Or make us try and capture Wolverine?"

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2009-08-21 04:18 am UTC (link)
"For the first, probably. No idea who. As for Wolverine... that worked so well for them the first two times. I hope they've given that one up."

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2009-08-22 05:04 am UTC (link)
Melanie reflects on all this for a moment. "...Are all of those patents your Dad's? And.... are we all going to need nicknames?"

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2009-08-22 05:07 am UTC (link)
"Actually none of those are his. The Box armor alone involved seventy four patents, and Bochs electronics still owns some of those, as well as a handful of other things he's developed. Most of my patents are refinements of my father's work or my dad's work in order to keep older developments current and legally protected, and a few things I wanted to play with. So the seventeen are mine, but not all of them are new, groundbreaking things, exactly. And yes, we're all going to need codenames."

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2009-08-22 05:42 am UTC (link)
"Nereid," Marrina said, automatically. "That's, ah, what I want to be called. For a codename."

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2009-08-22 05:51 am UTC (link)
Mel carefully listens, making a mental note of the distinction between Jordan's Father and Jordan's Dad.

"Oh. Okay," she says sheepishly. "I don't know a lot about that kind of stuff. My Dad's a nurse."

She nods to Marrina. "I'm not going to even try to think of one. I'll just take what I'm assigned or something."

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2009-08-22 06:20 am UTC (link)
"Since I seem to be the closest thing to French Canadian we have, for the good PR bits, I think I'll go with something of a tribute to my mom and go by Diamant."
The differentiation between father and dad is fairly clear. Father usually being said in a manner that more or less indicates 'sperm donor who left me a bunch of money that I've never known', with mother being said in about the same tone, should it come up, while Mom and Dad are more clearly the people he credits with raising him.

"Its ok, patent applications are boring, boring things. You're better off not knowing. And... Nereid... cool."

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2009-08-23 02:29 am UTC (link)
"You're adopted too, then, Jordan?" Marrina asked.

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2009-08-23 04:12 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, I was raised early in the church system in Montreal. When my father's friend learned I existed, Dad and Mom - Madison Jeffries and Lilian Crawley, adopted me. You?"

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2009-08-23 04:31 am UTC (link)
"My mother was Marrina too, the one from the first Alpha Flight," she began. "My father... was Namor, the Sub-Marriner. From what little I know, I suppose I have a lot of brothers and sisters. Other eggs that hatched. I don't know where they are or what happened to them."

A question for another day, she supposed.

"My egg, though, was found by Dan Smallwood, a close friend of my mother's, grandson of the same people who raised her. He and his wife raised me like their own."

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2009-08-23 08:13 am UTC (link)
"That was really cool of them. Had to present some interesting challenges. Namor, huh? Wow, I believe technically that makes you a princess, right?"

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2009-08-23 09:55 am UTC (link)
Mel smiles just a little.

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2009-08-23 07:36 pm UTC (link)
She chuckled at that. "I guess so. I've never even met him, though."

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2009-08-24 08:57 am UTC (link)
/Do you want to meet him?/ Alex asked as he finished off the last of his steak. /Someone could probably arrange it./

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2009-08-24 08:49 pm UTC (link)
Emily doesn't say anything. But a princess on the team is pretty cool.

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2009-08-24 09:08 pm UTC (link)
"Yeah, I would," Marrina told Alex. "Dan's my dad, as far as I'm concerned... But I'd like to know more about my heritage, more about my mother."

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