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sydney_ashcroft ([info]sydney_ashcroft) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-02-20 09:47:00

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Entry tags:aridis, eiltin, griffen o'niell, halbjorn, inactive - andy walters, inactive - dawn roberts, inactive - grace danvers, marlow, svalin, sydney ashcroft, team - defenders, zoey ashcroft

Happy Birthday!
Grace's birthday was on Thursday and Syd had made sure she they acknowledged the day, but they were saving the big party for Saturday. The Defenders as a team had gone out to dinner at a Brazilian steakhouse. When they returned home anyone who wanted to watch movies camped out in the living room.

Syd had the two chefs, Hugh and Malinda, make Grace's favorite food for dinner and her favorite cake for dinner on Saturday. When dinner was over, Syd and Zoey brought the cake out with the candles lit.

"Happy birthday to you...." they sang as they brought the cake to the table.

Syd ignored her own birthday.

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2011-02-27 06:34 pm UTC (link)
Grace thanked everyone for the presents before taking Eiltin's hand and turning to her parents.

"Mom, Dad, this is Eiltin." She said. "My boyfriend."

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2011-02-28 01:11 am UTC (link)
Eiltin nodded he wasn't exactly sure what he was supposed to do so he was going to follow Grace's lead and be polite.

"It to a honor to meet both of you," Eiltin says.

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Re: Andy and Marlow
2011-02-28 01:13 am UTC (link)
"It's nice to meet you Eiltin," Carol said and held out a hand.

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Re: Andy and Marlow
2011-03-01 06:30 pm UTC (link)
Eiltin gave her hand a firm shake.

"I suppose you must have some questions," He says.

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Re: Andy and Marlow
2011-03-06 11:07 pm UTC (link)
Simon extends his hand next.

"There are a few, yes. I think we should all get to know each other over dinner. How does that sound?" Simon asks.

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Re: Andy and Marlow
2011-03-07 12:33 am UTC (link)
Eiltin shook his hand firmly next.

"Very well," Eiltin says not really sure why they couldn't just do this now.

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Re: Andy and Marlow
2011-03-13 04:09 pm UTC (link)
"Questions can wait," Carol said. "Until tomorrow or the day after. Right now we have a birthday to celebrate."

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