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tooth_n_claw ([info]tooth_n_claw) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-02-05 22:00:00

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Entry tags:alex bowmaster, melanie hall

Baby Steps
Today was a big day for Mel and Alex was going to be there by her side the whole time. Today was the first day of physical therapy for her and Alex was going to play cheerleader for her. He'd even get pompoms and use them if it helped.

The day was going to start out on a good note. He made breakfast for her that included scrambled eggs, toast, some fresh fruit and freshly squeezed orange juice. They items were placed on a tray and he carried them to her room. He knocked on the door with a foot since his hands were full.

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2011-02-06 07:20 am UTC (link)
And when it's done, she'll get in the chair, smile as they say good bye to the therapist, and then say, panting quietly.

"Cheese... and fruit juice. That's what... I need."

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2011-02-06 01:54 pm UTC (link)
"As my lady wishes," he said and wheeled her into the elevator and hit the ground floor button. "How do you feel?"

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2011-02-06 06:30 pm UTC (link)
"Okay," she says. "Tired."

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2011-02-06 06:37 pm UTC (link)
"I bet," he said. "We'll get a snack and then you can take a nap if you want. You did an amazing job. You never gave up."

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2011-02-06 06:43 pm UTC (link)
"Thanks for being there, Alex."

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2011-02-06 06:45 pm UTC (link)
"You never have to thank me," he said, "but you're welcome." The elevator doors opened and he rolled her out and to the kitchen.

"Now, tell me what you want and I'll get it for you. I am your humble servant." He grinned and gave her a bow.

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2011-02-06 06:46 pm UTC (link)
Mel giggled. "Fruit juice and cheese, please."

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2011-02-06 07:01 pm UTC (link)
"Of course my lady," he said and went to fetch the requested items. A few moments later he set a plate of cheese and a glass of fruit juice in front of her. "Anything else? Crackers? Fruit?"

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2011-02-06 07:11 pm UTC (link)
Crackers would be good." Alex was so sweet. And so cute!

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2011-02-06 07:19 pm UTC (link)
Alex nodded and got crackers from the cupboard. "Here you go," he said. "I've been practicing and I'm now up to three and a half hours in human form. That means once you are done with you physical therapy regimen, we are going out for dinner and a movie."

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2011-02-08 09:43 pm UTC (link)
"Awww. Alex, that'll be wonderful."

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2011-02-08 09:55 pm UTC (link)
He smiled. "Yes. We will do it as soon as your physical therapy is over."

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2011-02-08 10:08 pm UTC (link)
"Something to look forward to."

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2011-02-08 10:15 pm UTC (link)
He sat down at the table across from her. "If I know you as well as I do, I know it won't be a long time."

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