On Wrongs Swift Vengeance Waits
Wrath, being the most feared of the seven, led the ceremony in the abandoned warehouse. The seven demons stood around Harold Jenkins and chanted while their followers stood in a circle around them. Harold was a criminal of the worst sort and had just finished killing a family of four when the demons grabbed him and offered him great power. They chanted along with their demon masters.
Wrath held the Medallion of Power and with it they would being a new Vengeance into the world. This one would serve them and their goals and hopefully distract the Ghost Rider and his companions. The city wasn't big enough for the demons and the Champions and New Orleans was the perfect city for them. Vegas was too showy and over the top for most their tastes.
The voice rose in volume until the ceremony reached it's climax. There was a bright burst of flame around Harold and when it died down Vengeance stood in place.
"Go," Wrath said. "Your job is just beginning. There is a city awaiting you. We have even provided you a motorcycle."
Vengeance nodded and climbed onto the waiting bike. The bike roared to life and Vengeance rode out of the warehouse.
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