Team-Building Exercise.
"Yes, Kenishi-san," Amiko said on the phone. "He seems to be settling in as best he can. No, I haven't had much chance to see him in action yet. We're going to work on that. Yes, Kenishi-san. Ryota's transfer has gone smoothly. Do not worry; I will not, as Logan-sama would not, hesitate to tell him to 'quit his bitchin' if necessary." Amiko pauses to listen for a time after that. "...Yes, sir. Why do you ask? No, I have left that, for the most part, to Kikuya-san. Excellent. Then we are agreed, Kenishi-san. Thank you. I'm going to hang up now."
And she did. Amiko was grateful Mr. Kenishi hadn't used the video communication system. Her hair looked atrocious. After working on that for a few minutes, getting it out of the way, Amiko went to round up the five members of the team available so far.
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