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nextgen_misc ([info]nextgen_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-01-31 21:21:00

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Entry tags:aridis, eiltin, griffen o'niell, halbjorn, inactive - andy walters, inactive - dawn roberts, inactive - grace danvers, marlow, plot-"heaven or las vegas", svalin, team - defenders

The Lights of Vegas (Jan 13th)
The Seven Heaves Casino and Resort was the newest casino in Vegas and business was booming. Tourists and locals alike came to the new casino to check it out and to see if they could hit a jackpot. Some came out winners while others came out losers. Some came out completely changed and had a new outlook on life after finding religion. It was an unusual place to find religion, but then again the owners were very unusual themselves.

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Re: The search for Hal
2011-02-04 12:59 am UTC (link)
“I guess you should go unless you wanted me to super speed search the dress room.”

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Re: The search for Hal
2011-02-05 02:53 am UTC (link)
"That...is not a bad idea, actually."

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Re: The search for Hal
2011-02-06 08:42 pm UTC (link)
"So should I run off and do that quickly or did you have any other ideas."

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Re: The search for Hal
2011-02-09 01:48 am UTC (link)
"Run off quickly. Get in and get out with them noticing you. That should work."

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Re: The search for Hal
2011-02-11 12:49 am UTC (link)
“OK.” Eiltin quickly stripped down to his compression short like shorts. Those clothes would just slow him down and at the speed he would be running would probably have gotten ripped off anyways. After that he ran off to quickly search the room.

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Re: The search for Hal
2011-02-11 03:11 am UTC (link)
Halbjorn is there, but seems to be quite entranced by a bevy of showgirls and various foodstuffs, gaze fixed on a private showing while idly working on the foodstuffs of the place.

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Re: The search for Hal
2011-02-11 09:23 pm UTC (link)
Eiltin could tell in his quick run through the room that Hal was thoroughly distracted. After getting back to Grace explains exactly what he saw in there.

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Re: The search for Hal
2011-02-11 09:32 pm UTC (link)
"I think I know how to distract him," Grace said, "And trust me, I swear this is only a one-time thing."

Grace walked into the room of showgirls, not making eye-contact with any of them currently giving her weird looks.

"As much as I hate to interrupt," she said, walking to where Hal was getting a private show. "It's time to go, Hal."

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Re: The search for Hal
2011-02-11 09:44 pm UTC (link)
Halbjorn nods absently, still working on a cup of sweet mead, eyes fixed on the show.

"Aye, aye... in but a few minutes. This show ist nigh unto o'er."

He waves a hand absently. "More mead, methinks. And a cup for mine friend!"

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Re: The search for Hal
2011-02-11 09:46 pm UTC (link)
Eiltin followed after Grace not sure what she had planned.

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Re: The search for Hal
2011-02-11 09:54 pm UTC (link)
Grace narrowed her eyes at the showgirl.

"Oh please," she said, "Those probably aren't real boobs."

Grace then gets an idea.

"Move aside," she said, showing the showgirl out of the way entertaining Hal.

Grace inhaled, before lifting up her shirt.

"Now these...these are real boobs."

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Re: The search for Hal
2011-02-11 09:58 pm UTC (link)
Halbjorn blinks a couple times, staring openly.


Then he blinks again, crushing the mead cup in his hand. Slow as he is, he can recognize when he's been under magical influence.

"Aye... they art... and lovely ones too. Thine boyfriend ist quite fortunate." He rises to his feet, dropping the cup at his feet.

"Now, ladies, I thank thee for thine efforts at entertainment, twas most entrancing, but methinks it best thou leavest now in a hurry. Thine beauty and casual disregard for clothing hast bought thee to the count of ten to run before I grow more upset at such witchery."

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Re: The search for Hal
2011-02-11 10:02 pm UTC (link)
Eiltin had to admit that was a very effective strategy not that he had seen much himself.

“Your siblings were also missing as well last time we checked in,” Eiltin says, “We should get going and see if any new has been made of them.”

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Re: The search for Hal
2011-02-11 10:44 pm UTC (link)
"We should," said Grace, making sure that her boobs were fully covered.

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