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Anya Antonovna Romanova Stark ([info]anyastark) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-08-14 21:05:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, iason, inactive - daniel sherwood, inactive - james romanov rogers, inactive - swashbuckler, lady devil, misha loganovich, sammy fury, team - avengers

Taking A Break From All Your Worries (Open to Avengers, Misha, David, Cassie and Scotty)
Anya had to admit to herself that it was a great way to spend the weekend and her birthday. Tahiti was absolutely perfect. It was just the kind of weekend they needed after that battle with the three hundred foot monster.

They left New York at 9pm and had a brief layover in LA to refuel the jet. Then they were back in the air and landing in Tahiti hours later. They all found bedrooms and crashed.

This morning afternoon Anya rolled out of bed, grabbed coffee and poured herself into a chaise on the beach. She had been in the same place ever since. Staff, a maid and a chef, were hired for the weekend so the house would stay relatively clean and they wouldn't starve. Not that they would starve, Anya just didn't want to make any of them have to worry about the cooking duties.

Anya yawned and thought about heading up to the house. Naw. It would require too much energy.

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2009-08-15 06:18 am UTC (link)
"That still pretty cool," James said. "What have you learned?"

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2009-08-15 06:30 am UTC (link)
"This place isn't untouched. There have been practitioners here before. Maybe long ago but there's the old feel in the dirt and in the trees." His gaze silently flickers over the trees. "It feels good here though. Untainted by darker magics."

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2009-08-15 07:32 pm UTC (link)
"That's a neat ability," James said. He smiled. "It is nice here. My mom and Tony got married here."

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2009-08-15 08:33 pm UTC (link)
He smiles back finally relaxing since he wasn't used to teams or even really having a partner. "It's a lovely island."

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2009-08-15 09:13 pm UTC (link)
"It is. I'm going to go for a hike. Want to join me?"

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2009-08-16 08:09 am UTC (link)
He nods sharply. "How far are we going to go? I don't know if everyone has plans."

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2009-08-16 08:11 am UTC (link)
James shrugged. "Dunno how far I'm going to go. I was just going to go."

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2009-08-16 08:15 am UTC (link)
He nods. "Then lead on MacDuff."

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2009-08-16 08:17 am UTC (link)
James grinned. "Come on then. Let's see what trouble we can get into."

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2009-08-16 08:56 am UTC (link)
He's in a better mood now and is willing to follow James into any trouble. He seems like a nice guy.

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