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Antoinette "Toni" Rhodes ([info]toni_rhodes) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-01-30 20:35:00

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Entry tags:inactive - charlie rogers, toni rhodes

"We Need to Talk." "You Too?"
During the course of the others return, Toni had finally found a moment to tell Charlie that they needed to talk.  Or rather, she had tried to.  Because Charlie had blurted out the same thing at just about the same time.

So they'd gone to her room to talk.  She stared down at the silver gauntlets covering her hands and forearms.  Keeping her alive.  Regulating the vast amounts of energy her body produced.  It beat other methods of containment, for sure, but who knew how long these would last?  Doctors McCoy and Pym were just barely ahead of the curve, even with Uncle Tony's help.

"So..." she ventured.  "Who goes first?"

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2011-01-31 06:26 pm UTC (link)
Toni held the kiss for a long time. When they broke, she smiled.

"I'd call that a good start."

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2011-01-31 07:35 pm UTC (link)
Charlie smiled back at her.

"Yeah, I'd say so.

Also, an attempt to further make things up and work my way into your good graces...dinner, soon?"

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2011-01-31 10:53 pm UTC (link)
"I like the sound of that," Toni told him. "It's a date."

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2011-02-02 01:53 am UTC (link)
"Thursday sound good?"

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2011-02-02 02:00 am UTC (link)
"Sounds great."

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