Extra! Extra!
Los Angeles, California Strange things were happening at Disneyland. The normally cute, harmless characters and props were suddenly real and running amok in the park. The puppets from It’s a Small World were chasing tourists with axes and tried to harm them. Two what could only be called Vikings battled the kraken and defeated it. The situation was handled by Avenger Simon Williams, known as Wonder Man. After the situation was resolved, it was announced that the West Coast now how its own superhero team. The Defenders will be based out of Los Angeles and keeping the West Coast safe from evil. CONT on page 2.
New York, New York There’s still no word on billionaire Tony Stark’s condition since the explosion on June 24th. There has been no official word from the Stark family or company, but rumors about Stark’s death abound along with rumors of a coma or possible brain damage. CONT on page 3
New York, New York Explosions rocked different areas of the city last night as the attacks on mutant shelters and recreational centers escalated. The perpetrators of these crimes are unknown and the police continue their investigation. CONT on page 2
Memphis, TN The Young Avengers stopped a three hundred foot monster from rampaging downtown Memphis. The team managed to lure the monster away from the city where they proceeded to destroy the monster. What it was or where it came from is unknown, but it will no longer be terrorizing the residents of Memphis. CONT on page 4.
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