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Luna Maximoff ([info]i_feel_you) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-01-25 00:23:00

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Entry tags:inactive - eli paravich, luna maximoff

After some food and more socializing, Luna made due on her promise to show Eli the library. She led him through the halls of Avengers Mansion, until they reached the library.

"This," said Luna, "This is were I spend a large majority of my time. I can often be found here. ...I have considered moving my bed here, sometimes. But I don't know if that would go over well with the rest of the team." She blushed. "Sorry...you wanted me to help you find books on vampires?"

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2011-01-27 05:40 am UTC (link)
"It is an old Russian fairytale. In English, it would be called The Princess Who Never Smiled." Eli smiles, thinking of the first time he'd heard it.

His mother had told it to him when he was a boy, changing it into the The Prince Who Never Smiled,for him, when she noted that Eli was having a difficult time in his father's house and always seemed to be somber and pensive.

"I will tell it to you, if you like." Eli offers.

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2011-01-27 03:51 pm UTC (link)
She nodded, smiling. "I am familiar with it," she said, "Though it has been a long time since I heard it. So I would love it if you told it me."

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