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Luna Maximoff ([info]i_feel_you) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-01-25 00:23:00

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Entry tags:inactive - eli paravich, luna maximoff

After some food and more socializing, Luna made due on her promise to show Eli the library. She led him through the halls of Avengers Mansion, until they reached the library.

"This," said Luna, "This is were I spend a large majority of my time. I can often be found here. ...I have considered moving my bed here, sometimes. But I don't know if that would go over well with the rest of the team." She blushed. "Sorry...you wanted me to help you find books on vampires?"

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2011-01-27 12:51 am UTC (link)
"Oh, it's not your fault. I was teased as a child for not being able to fly...but I think I learned to do something much better." Eli says.

Then he vanishes...and taps her on her shoulder from behind.

"I can teleport anywhere I wish on this planet, or even to another." Eli says.

"So, as I said, I may visit the pyramids, the Swiss Alps and the Aztec temples all this evening." he grins.

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2011-01-27 02:45 am UTC (link)
She blinked when he vanished, turning her head over her shoulder, her face looking slightly startled.

"That is certainly very useful," Luna said, smiling at him.

There was a pause.

"Would you...like some company when you do?"

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2011-01-27 03:01 am UTC (link)
It was Eli's turn to look shocked at Luna's suggestion. Of course he would like company, especially if it was her, but he couldn't seem to eager. He had to make it play it cool.

"I would like company if there is time for it. These places are wonders to behold at anytime, but even more so in good company." Eli says.

"Would you consider being that company, Luna?" he asks.

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2011-01-27 03:08 am UTC (link)
Luna looked a little shocked at her own suggestion. Had she technically just asked him out? She never asked anyone out.

"I...I would love to be that company, Eli." Luna said, trying hard not to blush furiously.

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2011-01-27 03:23 am UTC (link)
Luna will see Eli's aura flicker from happiness and attraction to being tinged with worry.

He doesn't voice his concerns yet, though he is a bit nervous about the shade of red Luna is turning. He does not know much about humans, but intense redness often spoke of sunburns, if he remembered right.

But there was no sun in this room. Eli easily discounted himself as the cause of Luna's blushing.

Eli's duplicates vanish as though they'd never been, having located a few tomes for them.

"It seems that we have books to read. Would you care to study them with me?" he asks.

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2011-01-27 03:30 am UTC (link)
"Are you alright, Eli?" She asked, seeing his worry. "Is something wrong?"

She hoped she wasn't doing anything wrong.

"Yes, we do. And I would love to."

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2011-01-27 03:41 am UTC (link)
"I'm sorry. I just see you turning red and I wonder if you are allergic to something in the room or if you are not feeling well." Eli says.

"I do not want to keep you here if you are not well." he says.

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2011-01-27 03:47 am UTC (link)
"I feel fine," Luna said, "I'm just a little embarrassed, I guess, hence all of the blushing I've been doing.

Like I said, I am really, really not used to this. But I feel fine!"

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2011-01-27 03:55 am UTC (link)
"Oh! Well, all right, then." Eli says, smiling.

He goes to the nearest table, pulls out a chair for a Luna and waits for her to sit down.

"What do you know about vampires?" Eli asks.

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2011-01-27 03:57 am UTC (link)
"Not very much, I am afraid," Luna said, sitting down. "Just the basics that I read in novels, burst into flames in sunlight, can be killed with a stake through the heart. I do know that they do not sparkle, however."

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2011-01-27 04:28 am UTC (link)
Eli nods and sits down next to her, looking at the book.

"You are the second person to mention sparkling vampires. Charlie said something about it once and I could not understand it. Why would a vampire sparkle if it could not stand the sun?" Eli says.

"The stake through the heart is effective. I did used that one personally not long ago." he says, reading the book intently, though he does look up and smile at Luna from time to time.

"Ah, listen to this. 'Vampires may affected by silver weapons as well.'" Eli reads in his strong, clear baritone, accented with Russian.

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2011-01-27 04:36 am UTC (link)
"You remember those books I told you not to read, Twilight? The vampires sparkle in there. It's pretty silly," Luna said.

Luna nodded. "I forgot about the silver weapons," she said, "I normally just keep that to werewolves. I believe they are also affected by garlic..though I don't know if that's just a superstition or not."

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2011-01-27 04:46 am UTC (link)
"But...vampires shouldn't /sparkle/. It's just not right." Eli protests, still trying to wrap his mind around this.

"Garlic can ward away anyone, from what I hear. I wouldn't be surprised if it warded away vampires." Eli says.

"They are preternatually fast, strong and durable. We fought a town full of them in very beginning of our trip. The natives thought we were working with them.

We also fought their master and a necromancer who worked with them." Eli says, thinking briefly of Varnae and Thulsa Doom, both of whom escaped.

"I've never met a werewolf. I did not think they actually existed." Eli says.

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2011-01-27 04:55 am UTC (link)
Luna let out a small giggle at the confused look on his face. It was cute. "No, no it isn't."

"Garlic is not that bad in small doses," Luna said. "Though I believe vampires have a sense of smell that rivals that of a bloodhound's, so I would not be surprised if it was absolutely foul to them."

"I have never come face to face with a vampire...and I hope that I never do," Luna said.

"I have not met one...but I have heard of their existence."

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2011-01-27 05:07 am UTC (link)
"I have come to learn that many things exist that I was not previously aware of." Eli says, his gaze not leaving Luna for a long moment. Then he returns to the book.

"I will have to remember to bring garlic with me when I go seeking them. I will not bring garlic to tea, though. I promise." he smiles.

"Do they have legends of vampires among the Inhumans?" he asks.

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2011-01-27 05:13 am UTC (link)
"I always enjoy learning...new things," Luna said, her gaze not leaving his.

"I certainly hope not," she said, "I don't think garlic would go well in tea."

She shook her head. "No, they do not."

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2011-01-27 05:17 am UTC (link)
"What is your favorite fairly tale?" he asks suddenly.

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2011-01-27 05:21 am UTC (link)
"Beauty and the Beast," she said. "..And yours?"

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2011-01-27 05:40 am UTC (link)
"It is an old Russian fairytale. In English, it would be called The Princess Who Never Smiled." Eli smiles, thinking of the first time he'd heard it.

His mother had told it to him when he was a boy, changing it into the The Prince Who Never Smiled,for him, when she noted that Eli was having a difficult time in his father's house and always seemed to be somber and pensive.

"I will tell it to you, if you like." Eli offers.

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2011-01-27 03:51 pm UTC (link)
She nodded, smiling. "I am familiar with it," she said, "Though it has been a long time since I heard it. So I would love it if you told it me."

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