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Luna Maximoff ([info]i_feel_you) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
Luna smiled, letting the story come to her mind before she began.

"Once upon a time, in a small village, there was a lonely old woman who so desperately wanted a child. One day, an old beggar woman stopped by her cottage and in exchange for a hot meal, offered her a barleycorn seed, promising that if the old woman planted the seed, she would get her heart's greatest wish. The woman planted the seed, and watered it everyday, and one day, a beautiful flower grew, and a tiny girl, no larger than your thumb, emerged. The woman named her daughter Thumbelina, and raised her with love and care as her own daughter, and Thumbelina was happy.

One night, as Thumbelina slept in her walnut-shell cradle, she was kidnapped by toad, who thought that she would make a most beautiful bride for her son. Thumbelina awoke in the toad's home, and was very upset when the toad informed her of her fate. She cried, missing her mother and wanting to go home. A fish and butterfly, who saw how sad she was, took pity on her, and helped her escape, sending her adrift on a lily-pad until she was rescued by a stag beetle. The stag beetle, thinking she was pretty, rescued her from the lily-pad and took her to his friends. However, his friends did not approve of her, as they thought her to be ugly.

Alone and sad, Thumbelina wandered the forest, seeking shelter from the colder weather. Eventually, she was taken in from the winter cold by an elderly field-mouse, and in gratitude, helped the field-mouse take care of her home. Everyday, Thumbelina went with the field-mouse to visit her very wealthy neighbor, a mole. The mole became quite taken with Thumbelina, and as the mole was very rich, the field-mouse began to make arrangements for her to marry him. As the mole was very old, and hated the sun, which Thumbelina loved, she dreaded the day of wedding, and the only solace she found was taking care of a swallow, who had found himself in the mole's burrow in an attempt to escape the bitter cold.

On the day of her wedding to mole, as she went to say farewell to the sun, the swallow, in thanks for her nursing him back to health, offered to take Thumbelina with him somewhere warm for the winter. Thumbelina accepted, and they flew to a field of beautiful flowers, far away from the mole's forest.

In the field of flowers, Thumbelina met a prince about her size, with wings. The prince fell in love with Thumbelina instantly, and asked her to marry him. Thumbelina, who had also fallen in love with the prince on first sight, accepted, and he gave her a pair of beautiful wings, and a new name, May Blossom. Together, they flew from flower to flower to greet the spring and lived happily ever after."

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