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Match ([info]son_of_discord) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-01-19 19:28:00

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Entry tags:inactive - anastasia summers, inactive - chris frost, inactive - chris pym, inactive - gretchen wagner, inactive - izzy starsmore, inactive - match, inactive - rose logan, plot-"red wedding", team - x-force

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone....
Three days after Rose’s disappearance, Joey Allerdyce is a worried man. Coming home from Misha’s and finding out that she didn’t come home worried him a little, but he knew Rose could and would take care of herself. If she’d called during the first or the second day, Joey would have just chalked it up to Rose wanting a bit more time and space to sort out her own head. He would have given her as much time as she needed as long as they could set some time to talk.

When no word comes after the second day, Joey’s mindset goes from worried to frantic. He wanted to know what was going on in Rose’s head, even if she would speak to him. Repeated attempts to reach her phone go unanswered. Joey volunteers for monitor and camera duty each night hoping to catch a glimpse, any glimpse of Rose sneaking back onto the grounds.

If somethin’s happened to her, it’s on me. I was the one who pushed her to get all fancied up and dragged her out, knowin’ what could happen. How could I be so stupid?

The normally sarcastic and funny Joey that everyone has come to know is replaced by a young man who’s grim and determined. A part of him starts to wonder if Rose really meant every word she said to him. The thoughts chase themselves around in his head until, finally, Joey finds himself sitting on a bench in the garden, staring off into space.

He’s not being watchful at all, so anyone could sneak up on him right now, even if they’re making enough noise to alert a sleeping elephant.

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2011-01-25 03:51 pm UTC (link)
Right now, hurting or not, Joey was pissing Tina off. What part of elite team that no one else is involved with did he not get? And that this Foxx character ran around with him when he was a criminal was raising all kinds of red flags. She shot Joey a look that told him that this was going to be a discussion at a another time.

"We have rules, people. Remember that.

"I just had a phone call from Rose. She's been kidnapped by what she referred to as a bad ass ninja clan...the kind with an axe to grind with her old man. Seems they kidnapped her right out of the restaurant. She's in bad shape and we have to get her out of there now. Joey, she says she loves you."

She pointedly handed Anastasia--and only Anastasia--with the flight plan and other information she'd gathered.

"We're going to Japan. Now. There's no time to do anything but suit up and head to the jet."

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2011-01-25 04:03 pm UTC (link)
Gretchen desperately wants to say she's going, too. To be there for rose. But she's willing to face it. This is for a proper field squad, not a part-timer.
"I'll explain to Uncle Logan when he gets home."

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2011-01-26 02:27 am UTC (link)
"Thanks, Gretchen. Let him know that I'm bringin' Rose home by hook or by crook. Whatever I've got to do." Joey says.

"Tina's right. Let's get to the 'Bird and go. I think we should take Foxx, too. She's pretty handy in a scrap and we're down a person." Joey tells everyone.

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2011-01-26 02:29 am UTC (link)
"Um, I know this is probably a bad time to bring this up, since we're all ready to go...but can I head to the restroom really quickly?

I had a Big Gulp on the way up here and I don't want to...fly, I guess, in this condition.

Planes and I aren't good friends." she says.

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2011-01-26 03:24 am UTC (link)
"Make it quick," Anastasia said to Foxx. "We've got a teammate to save."

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2011-01-26 04:11 am UTC (link)
"Totally. Um, Johnny, where's the bathroom?" Foxx asks.

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2011-01-26 04:12 am UTC (link)
"Out the door, make a right and head down to the end of the hall. Girls is last door on the left." Joey says, watching Foxx go.

"All right, I'm going to grab my gear right now. Wheels up in five?" he asks.

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2011-01-26 03:26 pm UTC (link)
Chris raises an eyebrow as Foxx skitters off, shaking her head to herself.

"In five."

She dashes off to get into uniform."

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2011-01-26 07:23 pm UTC (link)
Tina looked sharply at Foxx; she didn't trust her.

"Five minutes guys. If you arent in the jet, you're staying home."

And then she herself left for the jet.

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2011-01-27 02:05 am UTC (link)
Foxx goes to the bathroom and waits until it empties before whipping out her phone and searching for Harada's number. That idiot let Claws get away from him and now the whole plan was in deep shit.

She fires off a text.

Problem. Girl got to phone. Trouble incoming. Get welcoming party ready.

The Foxx takes out her Desert Eagle, checks the clip and debates the validity of trying to catch each of the chicks alone and blow their brains out. The blonde that claimed to be Rose's buddy would be tough. The other blonde would probably go down easy, but that bitch with the dark hair would have to go first.

Shit. She didn't know enough about this place to comfortably imitate anyone yet, except for Joey. But that would wreck whatever he had goin' here...no.

She would stick to the plan. She puts the gun away and heads back to the meeting room, hoping someone there will show her to the plane. She finds Joey and hugs him tight.

"It's gonna be okay, Johnny. We'll get her back." she says.

Or the others will die trying.

Joey hugs her back.

Foxx can only think to herself that Johnny is way too good for that animalistic bitch.

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