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Match ([info]son_of_discord) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-01-19 19:28:00

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Entry tags:inactive - anastasia summers, inactive - chris frost, inactive - chris pym, inactive - gretchen wagner, inactive - izzy starsmore, inactive - match, inactive - rose logan, plot-"red wedding", team - x-force

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone....
Three days after Rose’s disappearance, Joey Allerdyce is a worried man. Coming home from Misha’s and finding out that she didn’t come home worried him a little, but he knew Rose could and would take care of herself. If she’d called during the first or the second day, Joey would have just chalked it up to Rose wanting a bit more time and space to sort out her own head. He would have given her as much time as she needed as long as they could set some time to talk.

When no word comes after the second day, Joey’s mindset goes from worried to frantic. He wanted to know what was going on in Rose’s head, even if she would speak to him. Repeated attempts to reach her phone go unanswered. Joey volunteers for monitor and camera duty each night hoping to catch a glimpse, any glimpse of Rose sneaking back onto the grounds.

If somethin’s happened to her, it’s on me. I was the one who pushed her to get all fancied up and dragged her out, knowin’ what could happen. How could I be so stupid?

The normally sarcastic and funny Joey that everyone has come to know is replaced by a young man who’s grim and determined. A part of him starts to wonder if Rose really meant every word she said to him. The thoughts chase themselves around in his head until, finally, Joey finds himself sitting on a bench in the garden, staring off into space.

He’s not being watchful at all, so anyone could sneak up on him right now, even if they’re making enough noise to alert a sleeping elephant.

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2011-01-20 03:35 am UTC (link)
"No, it doesn't," Gretchen agrees with Anastasia.

"You were stressed, Joey, and if she was being blackmailed into lying, she wouldn't have told you, anyway. Either way, no fixing that now."

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2011-01-20 04:34 pm UTC (link)
"What we do need to do is find Rose," Anastasia said. "This had trouble written all over it."

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2011-01-22 04:04 am UTC (link)
"If someone's hurt her or made her do this, I'm gonna end them." Joey says, his tone dark and cold.

Just call and say somethin', babe. Or come home. Either one and I won't ask for anything else. Joey pleads mentally.

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2011-01-22 07:21 am UTC (link)
Joey's comments distinctly provoke no horror in Her Serene Highness. "Sounds like a plan to me. Shall we start looking at the original place, until we get some other leads?"

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2011-01-23 12:25 am UTC (link)
Soon enough, Rachael and Chris join the group, thanks to Izzy.

"Hey, Johnny, I need to..." Rachael starts to say, and then stops dead in her tracks as she sees someone who, for all the world, could be her mother in a smaller form.

Rachael is actually thrown for a moment, and it takes her a second to recover.

"Joey, I need to talk to you. It's about my mom. I need your help." she says.

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2011-01-23 12:35 am UTC (link)
Gretchen nods politely. The moments of surprise happen sometimes with new people. It's no big deal.
But they've got a Situation on their hands here; she hopes this won't be too much of a distraction.

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2011-01-23 01:01 am UTC (link)
Chris waves a hand to Joey, but keeps quiet. Something's clearly going on.

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2011-01-23 03:05 am UTC (link)
Joey looks over at Foxx and blinks, both surprised to see her /here/ and moreover, that she's staring at...Gretchen.

Joey remembers just then that he didn't tell Foxx about Gretchen, who looks like Foxx's very-scary-mother.

"Rachael...hey. Look, I'd love to help, but this is a bad time. My girlfriend, Rose, is missing. You remember her? She's the one that was with me that night at the sushi joint." Joey says.

"Crap, sorry. Don't wanna be rude. Rachael, these are my friends. Anastasia, affectionately known ass Ana-Pants, Gretchen, and Chris, also called Kitten.

Frosty is around here somewhere...I'll introduce you to her, too. They're all friends of Rose as well." Joey says.

"How long ago did...your mother vanish?" Joey asks, realizing it would be very bad to mention who her mother is here, after the research he'd done.

Before Foxx can answer, however, Joey's comm goes off, as will Chris' and Anastasia's.

"Frosty's callin' us to the Situation Room. Huh. I hope this is about Rose and not Summers wantin' us to jet off into the unknown right now." Joey says, turning to go.

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