Dad and Princess Time.
Once and awhile Anya needed some Dad and Princess time. When she was growing up there was a lot of time with Dad, but as she got older the time with him diminished and now it was almost nonexistent. Dad had a company to run along with a wife and a newborn son to deal with. She had school, a team and a boyfriend and they both had more family members to deal with. Before it was just the two of them for the majority of the time and it was them against the world. Now the team had gotten bigger and it meant less time with just the two of them.
Friday afternoon saw her stopping by the company to ambush him in his office. He had left for work by the time she got home from the Avengers mansion and Steve. Mom had said that he went in to sign paperwork Pepper had been nagging him about. Though Anya suspected it has something to do with Nick being fussy.
She knocked on the door and stuck her head in.
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