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Match ([info]son_of_discord) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-01-04 19:39:00

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Entry tags:inactive - match, inactive - rose logan, misha loganovich, plot-"red wedding"

Long Day's Night (Rose)

Technically, this is date number two.

The first date would have been better, all those months ago, if they hadn't been jumped by a bunch of crazies that would end up plaguing them again later. Oh, and Joey's old friend Foxx, who was in town to save his bacon at the time. Tonight, Joey Allerdyce is confident that nothing is going to mess the night up for him and Rose. No crazy mutants, no Tina chasing him, no Ana-Pants trying to beat him up and no Summers telling them to go fetch another mutant from God-knows-where.

Joey dresses up a little for the occasion, selecting a black dress shirt and slacks, along with black shoes. He wears the custom-made jacket that that Kitten made him as well, as he finds he likes it more than his normal leather jacket.

He waits for Babe at the bottom of the steps at Xavier’s, going over tonight’s events. Dinner, followed by a hotel room and all alcohol they can drink. Or maybe, all the alcohol /she/ can drink. There’s a good chance Joey will be done by the fifth beer or so.

The only thing that matters to him is that she has a good time.

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Re: Escaping the Bathroom
2011-01-11 02:57 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, I see that, Babe. Whoever thought robbin' this place was a great idea thinks different now." Joey says, not certain how to read Rose's expression. Something about this is...off.

Rose hates having to /hurt/ people. Right now, Joey can count five dead men on the floor. Not they have guns and Rose didn't, so he doesn't feel sorry for them at all.

"I'm real sorry about this, Babe. Look, let me take you to the hotel and we can talk about what happened. Then...maybe I can ask you that question we were talkin' about before I got interrupted?" he asks, trying on a smile.

"We just can't stay here." Joey says.

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Re: Escaping the Bathroom
2011-01-11 03:00 am UTC (link)
"Yer right about that," she says, "but we ain't going nowhere."

She goes on. "Ya see this? This is me, deep down. Ya push, ya get the beast.

"An ya deserve better than some animal."

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Re: Escaping the Bathroom
2011-01-11 03:04 am UTC (link)
"Whoa! Okay, flag on the play, Babe. Stop. /This/..." Joey says, gesturing at the room around them, "this is self-defense. I know that. You don't go around hurting people because you can."

He forces her to look into his eyes by placing his hands on her shoulders. He /needs/ her to understand that she's not an animal.

"You are a human being, Rose. These people tried to hurt you and they got what they /deserved/. Rose, don't let this mess with you. Let's just go home and talk to your old man.

He'll help us figure out what to do and we'll just go from here." Joey says.

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Re: Escaping the Bathroom
2011-01-11 03:07 am UTC (link)
She shakes her head, pushing him away. "Nothin' my old man says could make a lick of difference, Bub. He ain't exactly Mister Personality, if ya know what I mean. And he's had years ta take his edge off, and that's the best he's got.

Me? I'm concentrated feral. And sooner or later, I'm gonna hurt ya. So I'd rather hurt ya now, this way, than any other.

We're over. We're done."

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Re: Escaping the Bathroom
2011-01-11 03:18 am UTC (link)
Joey is stunned speechless for nearly a fully minute. /Where/ was this coming from? Why was it happening /now/?

She said she loved him, that she wasn't going anywhere. Did something change before now? His expression is one of defiance as he looks at her.

"You're scared, Rose. I get that. I-I-I thought we were past that, but if not, I can do whatever you need me to do to make you feel safe. We've survived blindness, explosions, and your dad to be together. We're the couple that no one thought could work and we /do/!

Don't throw us away, Rose. You would /never/ hurt me. I know that. You're not an animal, no matter how much you might think otherwise." Joey says, moving around her to get in her face.

"Look me in the eye and say you don't love me anymore. Tell me you met someone else and you want to be with them instead of me. But /don't/ you dare stand there and back on us because you think you aren't good enough for me.

You're better than what /I/ deserve, and I'm not walkin' away from you without a fight. You're gonna have to walk out on me." Joey says, his tone and posture daring her to do so.

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Re: Escaping the Bathroom
2011-01-11 03:21 am UTC (link)
She looks him square in the eye. "I don't love you. Mebbe I don't even really know what love is."

She moves past him, toward the door, turning back at the last second. "If ya know what's good fer ya, ya'll stay the hell out of my life and not do some damned stupid thing like come lookin' fer me."

And she's gone.

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Re: Escaping the Bathroom
2011-01-11 03:36 am UTC (link)
Joey Allerdyce simply stares after Rose as she leaves, unable to speak. After all the things they'd been through, all the special times they'd shared together, she'd just walked out on him without batting an eyelash.

Was she sleeping with someone else? Joey couldn't even believe he was thinking that. No, she wouldn't do that to him. Rose didn't have it in her to lie.

Then again, she'd been lying to him for nearly a year, hadn't she? She'd just done to him what he'd done to hundreds of other women over the last few years. Make them feel worth something, make them feel like they were the only person in the world you could be with...and then vanish with everything they had.

The last time he'd felt this lost and hurt was the day Aunt Jenna died.

"I should've left the first chance I got. Should've walked away before I..." Joey can finally start to feel the fire come back to him.

"Never again. I ain't lettin' this happen to me never, ever again." Joey says, heading for the back door.

He heads out into the night, leaving the car in the parking lot. They can come get it later.

He's never going back.

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