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Match ([info]son_of_discord) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-01-04 19:39:00

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Entry tags:inactive - match, inactive - rose logan, misha loganovich, plot-"red wedding"

Long Day's Night (Rose)

Technically, this is date number two.

The first date would have been better, all those months ago, if they hadn't been jumped by a bunch of crazies that would end up plaguing them again later. Oh, and Joey's old friend Foxx, who was in town to save his bacon at the time. Tonight, Joey Allerdyce is confident that nothing is going to mess the night up for him and Rose. No crazy mutants, no Tina chasing him, no Ana-Pants trying to beat him up and no Summers telling them to go fetch another mutant from God-knows-where.

Joey dresses up a little for the occasion, selecting a black dress shirt and slacks, along with black shoes. He wears the custom-made jacket that that Kitten made him as well, as he finds he likes it more than his normal leather jacket.

He waits for Babe at the bottom of the steps at Xavier’s, going over tonight’s events. Dinner, followed by a hotel room and all alcohol they can drink. Or maybe, all the alcohol /she/ can drink. There’s a good chance Joey will be done by the fifth beer or so.

The only thing that matters to him is that she has a good time.

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Re: The Dining Area
2011-01-10 03:57 am UTC (link)
In the bathroom, Joey Allerdyce was going over his speech.

"Rose, look, I don't wanna rush this, but I already know that you're the girl I wanna spend the rest of my life with. In this dimension, or any other one. I love you." he says, looking into the mirror, holding out the diamond ring he'd managed to acquire with Braddock LeBeau's help.

No, that was too much.

"Babe, you're the only girl I can see myself with for the rest of my life and I want everyone to know where we stand. Say yes, Rose. Marry me." Joey says.

"Yeah, that sounds good. All right. Let's do this." Joey says, heading for the door and finding it jammed. He pulls on it again and it doesn't budge.

"Wow. I was tryin' for no property damage, but this ain't my fault." Joey says, calling a flame to his hand.

At that exact moment, he hears the sound of a gunshot. That doesn't belong here. Then the fire alarms sounds and suddenly Joey is doused with cold water...and his flame vanishes.

Not only that, but his powers shut down altogether.


He rams his shoulder into the door, trying to get it to budge, only to find that it's still not moving. This is coincidental; this is a set-up.

Tonight of all nights, again, they are being set-up.

Joey can hear the sounds of more gunshots and realizes that he's relatively safe in the bathroom from the gunfire, but Rose is out there with whoever is doing the shooting.

"HEY! SOMEONE LET ME OUT OF HERE! COME ON!" Joey yells, trying to pull the door open again.

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Re: The Dining Area
2011-01-10 04:11 am UTC (link)
The mercenaries were briefed on their target, but even with all the info they were given, Rose's speed and ability were still a shock.

Two and Three go down before they know what's happening. Four and Five each turn to run for it as One aims his gun and at Rose's knees, firing as he moves toward the kitchen entrance. He isn't shooting to kill, just to slow her down until the signal comes.

A waitress enters the room just then and One smiles beneath the mask. There's the signal.

He grabs the waitress in a choke hold and puts the gun to her head.

"Miss Logan! You are going to do what I say, or this young woman is going to get her pretty little brain blown all over the carpet. You don't want that, do you?

Do I have your attention?" he asks.

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Re: The Dining Area
2011-01-10 09:14 pm UTC (link)
A blast to the kneecap is a pretty debilitating injury, even for someone with a high-gear healing factor. Rose lets out a snarl of pain, sinking into a crouch.

She just had to give it time to heal, until...

"Ya've got it," she growls. "I'm listenin'."

Until she could get close enough to stab, anyway.

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Re: The Dining Area
2011-01-11 01:31 am UTC (link)
The waitress struggles in One's grip as he holds the gun to her head. She looks at Rose with a mixture of shock and fright.

"Oh god. You're...you're a mutant? I...I don't wanna die!" she says, tears forming in her eyes.

"You're not going to die as long as Miss Logan doesn't try anything foolish. I'm going to leave and you're not going to follow me. If you do, this young woman dies.

Are we clear?" One asks.

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Re: The Dining Area
2011-01-11 01:41 am UTC (link)
The damage to Rose's knee was already healing enough that she could put weight on it.

"Yer makin' a big mistake here, buddy," she says. "Because if yer threatenin' to kill somebody, then yer either gonna chicken out and not do it, which I don't think ya are, or yer gonna do it no matter what I do. 's simple psychology."

She grins her wild, feral grin. She's been taking a few steps forward while she talks. "So what I do don't really matter. And I'd rather be takin' you down anyway."

She's close enough now to spring, and she does so, one claw going for the gun, the other for his throat.

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Re: The Dining Area
2011-01-11 02:11 am UTC (link)
Rose Logan has Number One dead to rights as she leaps at him. There's no way he can dodge those claws, and One can only thing about how poorly this plan went. His people were not supposed to die. He wasn't supposed to die here.

There is genuine fear in his eyes as Rose moves ever closer, ready to separate his head from his shoulders until the unexpected happens.

A viper moved slower than his waitress hostage did at that moment. From what appears to be nowhere, the waitress produces a Mark XIX .357 Desert Eagle. She drops to her knees as Rose sails over her head and points the gun up into Rose's chest and mid-section.

Then she fires her gun nine times.

The first two bullets are Carbonadium alloy rounds, designed to slow her healing factor. The next two shots are probably enough to cause Rose some real pain and wreck her evening plans.

The last five rounds that the waitress fires are pure malice, and it shows from the malicious gleam in her now-yellow eyes.

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Re: The Dining Area
2011-01-11 02:20 am UTC (link)
Well, that comes as completely unexpected.

The bullets shred Rose's torso, not to mention hurting like heck. And the carbonadium's like pure poison, slowing her healing factor down to the point where she's almost afraid she's not getting up again.

You're dead, lady, she thinks. Dead...


'm sorry, Bub...

She hits the floor, eyes closing.

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Re: The Dining Area
2011-01-11 02:36 am UTC (link)
The waitress finally reveals her true form as Rose's eyes close.

"Remember me, Claws? I'm the girl that saved your bacon that time when you nearly got Joey killed. See, I've spent months thinking about just kidnappin' him from you, but like the dog you are, you'd probably just come sniffin' around again and I'd have to beat you with a rolled up newspaper and we'd go back and forth over him until we're old." Foxx says, leaning down near Rose.

"But then, someone who hates your non-human ass even more than me hired me to bring you in. So, I'm getting paid to take back what you've been keeping warm for me. That would be Joey." she says, leaning down to kiss Rose on the nose.

"Don't worry, though. I'll make sure Joey doesn't spend too long mopin' over losin' you. Don't they say the best way to get over one girl is to get under another? Somethin' like that, anyway.

And if he's a really bad boy, I'll even pretend to growl like you for him sometimes." Foxx taunts, before standing up to look at Number One, who's already called in the second van, an ambulance.

Paramedics rush in, strap Rose to gurney and then lift her onto a stretcher to rush her out of the building. They're so quick and professional about it that Rose is ready to go in under a minute.

"Get her out of here. I've got to get my Glenn Close going right now." Foxx says to one, who nods and leaves the carnage behind with Rose in tow.

Foxx then takes a deep breath and grimaces as she begins to shrink, even so slightly, her hair becoming red, short and shaggy.

Within moments, "Rose Logan" is the only living person in ransacked restaurant, waiting on "her" boyfriend to come back.

Anytime now, Joey. Please be smarter than the damned door.

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