Long Day's Night (Rose)
Technically, this is date number two.
The first date would have been better, all those months ago, if they hadn't been jumped by a bunch of crazies that would end up plaguing them again later. Oh, and Joey's old friend Foxx, who was in town to save his bacon at the time. Tonight, Joey Allerdyce is confident that nothing is going to mess the night up for him and Rose. No crazy mutants, no Tina chasing him, no Ana-Pants trying to beat him up and no Summers telling them to go fetch another mutant from God-knows-where.
Joey dresses up a little for the occasion, selecting a black dress shirt and slacks, along with black shoes. He wears the custom-made jacket that that Kitten made him as well, as he finds he likes it more than his normal leather jacket.
He waits for Babe at the bottom of the steps at Xavier’s, going over tonight’s events. Dinner, followed by a hotel room and all alcohol they can drink. Or maybe, all the alcohol /she/ can drink. There’s a good chance Joey will be done by the fifth beer or so.
The only thing that matters to him is that she has a good time.
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