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Match ([info]son_of_discord) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-01-04 19:39:00

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Entry tags:inactive - match, inactive - rose logan, misha loganovich, plot-"red wedding"

Long Day's Night (Rose)

Technically, this is date number two.

The first date would have been better, all those months ago, if they hadn't been jumped by a bunch of crazies that would end up plaguing them again later. Oh, and Joey's old friend Foxx, who was in town to save his bacon at the time. Tonight, Joey Allerdyce is confident that nothing is going to mess the night up for him and Rose. No crazy mutants, no Tina chasing him, no Ana-Pants trying to beat him up and no Summers telling them to go fetch another mutant from God-knows-where.

Joey dresses up a little for the occasion, selecting a black dress shirt and slacks, along with black shoes. He wears the custom-made jacket that that Kitten made him as well, as he finds he likes it more than his normal leather jacket.

He waits for Babe at the bottom of the steps at Xavier’s, going over tonight’s events. Dinner, followed by a hotel room and all alcohol they can drink. Or maybe, all the alcohol /she/ can drink. There’s a good chance Joey will be done by the fifth beer or so.

The only thing that matters to him is that she has a good time.

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2011-01-07 02:17 am UTC (link)
"I got faith in you, Babe. You're a genius, you know. You just don't show it to everyone." Joey grins as they pull up to the restaurant in Salem Center. He gets out, handing the keys to the valet and going to open Rose's door himself.

Once they're both out of the car, Joey will escort her into the dimly lit restaurant. Inside, they are quickly seated at a table in the corner of the room.

"This place is supposed to be a really great steakhouse. I hope you'll like it." Joey says.

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2011-01-07 02:25 am UTC (link)
"Hey, I trust yer judgment, Bub," she assures him, taking in a sniff of the air. She grins.

"Besides, it sure smells like it."

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2011-01-08 03:28 am UTC (link)
"Steak is good. Steak with my babe is a lot better." Joey says with a grin.

"So what do you think our next mission will be like?" he asks.

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2011-01-08 03:30 am UTC (link)
The waitress comes over with a pen and pad. Her perfume is on a bit strong, Rose will notice, but she's an otherwise attractive young women.

Her gaze lingers on Joey a bit before she looks to Rose and addresses the pair.

"Hey, you two. How are you tonight? Can we get you something to drink?" she asks.

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2011-01-08 04:13 am UTC (link)
"Somewhere godforsaken where we'll come close to being maimed or blown up," Rose says, before the waitress arrives.

The smell of the perfume is, in fact, a bit overwhelming, keeping Rose from getting any particular scent off the women herself, clouding out most of the other scents around for a moment.

She'll order herself a beer. The institute equipment was very good for making fake ids to begin with (considering hers was, in fact, fake to begin with since she wasn't from this universe), and even being short, most people assumed she was older anyway.

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2011-01-08 04:36 am UTC (link)
Joey, intending to be responsible until later, orders only an iced tea with lemon.

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2011-01-08 04:37 am UTC (link)
"Okay, I'll get those drink orders in, and then we'll get your food orders next...unless you both know what you'd like now?" she smiles, looking over to Joey.

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2011-01-08 06:57 pm UTC (link)
"I think we probably need a minute," Rose says.

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2011-01-08 09:00 pm UTC (link)
"Yeah, can we get a minute? I need to convince my girl that me eatin' off her plate all evenin' is okay so she won't beat me up when she sees me tryin' to sneak a piece of her steak." Joey grins.

The waitress nods and smiles, then turns to go.

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2011-01-08 11:32 pm UTC (link)
Rose can't help but grin at Joey's statement.

"Yer welcome ta try, Bub."

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2011-01-09 12:32 am UTC (link)
"Since when do I try anything with you, Babe? Either I do it or I don't do it." he grins, leaning over to kiss her.

"See, like that right there." Joey says.

"So, I got a confession to make. I been watchin' X-Factor lately. That bunch of primadonnas makes me laugh because of how silly they are, but they live in a pretty rockin' building. Bet you they got a private safe or two just waitin' to be emptied." Joey grins.

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2011-01-09 01:00 am UTC (link)
"I totally let you do that," Rose says, but her grin says it was just a token protest.

Her grin gets wider. "Those buncha tv pretties? That'd be one heckuva good stunt ta pull."

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2011-01-09 05:42 am UTC (link)
"Not only that, but I could pay Frosty back for usin' her Amex Black those...ten times or so." Joey grins. He really had only used it twice, but Tina wasn't really happy about it.

Joey wanted to make it up to his friend, too.

"I'd have less problems with those guys if they didn't spend all of their time lookin' pretty while pretendin' they give a damn about mutant issues." Joey says.

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2011-01-09 05:48 am UTC (link)
"They remind me way too much of these clowns we had back in my 'verse," she adds. "Called themselves X-Statix. Imagine if Paris Hilton was a mutant super-hero."

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2011-01-09 05:47 pm UTC (link)
Joey looks at Rose in shock. "Ugh. That's worse than her being on TV right now as it is." he says.

"Seeing you on TV would be hot. I'd have to stalk you, of course. Send you notes saying 'Hi Babe' and stuff. Hmm...actually, I might just do that anyway." Joey grins.

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2011-01-09 05:49 pm UTC (link)
The waitress returns with their drinks, her perfume still rather strong in the enclosed space.

"Okay, are we ready to order?" she asks, looking at Rose first.

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2011-01-09 11:57 pm UTC (link)
Rose nods, taking a moment to try and push past the perfume smell. This was just going to linger in her sinuses, she knows.

"I reckon we are," she says, placing her order, with the request for the steak to be as rare as they can make it.

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2011-01-10 12:13 am UTC (link)
"By the opposing token, I'll take mine well done." Joey says.

"Oh, and some lobster, too. Really feel like celebrating." Joey says.

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2011-01-10 12:15 am UTC (link)
The waitress writes all of this down, nodding as she does.

"And for your sides, you have a choice of garlic mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, rice, or garlic bread.

Which would you prefer?" she asks.

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2011-01-10 01:00 am UTC (link)
"Garlic mashed potatoes sounds good ta me."

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2011-01-10 01:21 am UTC (link)
"I'll have the mac and cheese, please." Joey says, his eyes still on Rose.

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2011-01-10 01:24 am UTC (link)
"All right. We'll get that in for you now." the waitress says, taking a look at her watch.

"Everything will be up for you in just a bit." she says, turning to go.

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2011-01-10 01:33 am UTC (link)
Rose turns her attention back to Joey, grateful to have the cloying, overpowering scent of the of the perfume dispersing somewhat.

"Ya been payin' me even more attention than usual, Bub," she says.

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2011-01-10 01:59 am UTC (link)
"What, a guy can't be totally into his girlfriend or nothin'? What kind of crazy world is this?" Joey asks sarcastically, before sobering up.

"Okay, you caught me, Babe. I wanted to wait until after dinner to do this, but I don't think I can wait that long. I got somethin' I wanna ask you, havin' to do with that ring you got for Christmas. I got you a replacement, but...I need to call a short time out.

Looks like that iced tea just went right through me." Joey says.

"I'm gonna go to the restroom. When I get back, I'll ask then." he says, leaning over to kiss her.

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2011-01-10 02:05 am UTC (link)
The waitress waits ten seconds after Joey leaves the dining area, then quietly rises and heads back toward the restroom as well.

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(no subject) - [info]wild_rose, 2011-01-10 02:20 am UTC

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