Bed smiles as well. "That is really cool, Andrea. I know we just met, but I was wondering if I could ask for a favor. You're perfectly within your rights to say no, because you probably have people asking this all the time, so I understand." Ben says, rambling a little bit.
"My journalism class assignment this year is to interview three people who make a difference in the lives of every day people, like myself. Now, I could try to get some businessman or police officer to give me a quote, but I've found it's been really tough.
So, I was thinking about it recently and considered that I might ask people like you, real heroes, for your opinions on the state of the world today and where you think we should be directing our views. A couple of weeks ago, I literally bumped into a member of the Avengers. And now I'm meeting a member of the Fantastic Four.
I'd really like to interview you and find out your views on what we, as human beings, can do to improve ourselves and the world. I can even keep it anonymous if that makes it easier." Ben says, hoping he did not just piss off someone who could probably throw him to New Hampshire.
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