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nextgen_misc ([info]nextgen_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-12-31 15:12:00

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Entry tags:cosmopolitan, future kid - aj rogers, future kid - bobby stark, future kid - edward nicholas stark, future kid - liz rogers, future kid - miranda vernard, future kid - suzie rogers, future kid - veronica paravich, iason, inactive - charlie rogers, inactive - eli paravich, plot-"12-step", ryan spector, svalin, team - avengers, zoey ashcroft

New Year's Battle Over New York
The New Year was a time for sending out the old year and ringing in the new. It was always a time of partying and celebrating. This year it was time for a battle. The time and dimensionally displaced Avengers along with their possible future kids got ready for a battle with Kang and his forces.

The sun was just coming up over the city and on the new year.

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2011-01-04 02:12 am UTC (link)
Eli concentrates, communicating with Svalin telepathically.

Get him far enough from the base and I can teleport the three of us to Solver so that he can join you. Then I will follow the children inside. Eli says.

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2011-01-04 02:37 am UTC (link)
The Sentry follows after the woman on the horse, but starts stopping to look at the other figure.

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2011-01-04 02:51 am UTC (link)
Svalin wheeled Tryggvi around and charged directly at the Sentry with her sword drawn.

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2011-01-04 03:06 am UTC (link)
Eli hoists two more large vehicles and throws them in the Sentry's direction, then vanishing from his present location to a position one hundred yards away.

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2011-01-04 11:21 pm UTC (link)
Sentry flies forward suddenly, ahead of the flying vehicles, and attempst to wrest the sword away from the woman on the horse.

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2011-01-04 11:45 pm UTC (link)
Svalin grabbed the Sentry and held on to him.

"Now Eli!" she yelled.

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2011-01-05 02:34 am UTC (link)
Eli reaches out with his telekinesis, establishing contact with both Svalin and the Sentry. A brief moment of concentration and the trio vanishes all at once...

to appear within Solver's striking distance.

Solver, you are up! Eli communicates mentally.

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2011-01-05 02:40 am UTC (link)
Its not so much a charge as a blur of motion, faster even than the Sentry's rarified senses can follow. To most others' eyes, Solver is simply there, despite being at the edges of easy telepathy range a moment before. The maces fly, glowing with magical fury and solar might, crashing against the Sentry as Solver gets to take out all the frustration with the situation they'd found themselves in at once.

A full couple of seconds later, after he's launched his assault, there's the sound of thunder over and over in a cascading wave over the area as the sound barrier catches up to him.

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2011-01-05 02:44 am UTC (link)
A second before Solver's attack the Sentry's strength easily outmatched Svalin's and she was thrown into a nearby building.

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2011-01-05 02:46 am UTC (link)
Adjusting to surprising situations is not the Sentry's strong point. Once the girl was gone and he was being suddenly pounded, he threw a few punches but quickly started giving way.

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2011-01-05 02:56 am UTC (link)
Solver isn't about to let him get back to the protective radius of the fortress. He knows Kang has found a way to control the Void - and he's well aware that if he keeps it up, Reynolds will be going all out.

So be it.

He grabs for the Sentry's collar/cape with one hand after returning one mace to his belt, and swings the other.

"Power of a million exploding suns cannot eclipse that of one god of the sun. A hard lesson your local counterpart learned before."

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2011-01-05 03:08 am UTC (link)
The Sentry struggles, tries to turn, but the best he can buy himself is the most minor mitigation; he can't avoid taking the hit.

And the Golden Guardian is feeling.... wooooozy.

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2011-01-05 03:16 am UTC (link)
As Solver strikes again, the two are bathed in a wash of fire and light. Normally, even the corona of the sun wouldn't bother the Sentry, but this is Asgardian magic as much as light and heat. The sun god's eyes glow bright red, and twin beams lance out at the Sentry, hotter and more focused still than the fires bathing both figures.

"For whatever is left of the man in you, I am truly sorry for what must be done. The Void's Tower must fall once more, it has no place here."

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2011-01-05 03:24 am UTC (link)
Eli vanishes and appears next to Svalin as Solver steps into the breach.

"Svalin!" Eli calls out, beginning to lift rubble from her with his mind. Vernique is going to have a kittens if she loses hair or breaks a limb or some other manner of injury befalls her.

Then three immortals will deal with Tiny Human Rage and Eli has designs on special time with said Tiny Human.

So he digs for all he's worth to find Svalin.

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2011-01-05 03:30 am UTC (link)
"I art fine, Friend Eli," she said as she climbed up out of the Svalin-shaped hole in the building.

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2011-01-05 03:42 am UTC (link)
And a voice somewhere between that of Robert Reynolds and the Void just Screams.... until it stops.

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2011-01-05 03:47 am UTC (link)
As the scream dies down, Solver's eyes glow brighter for a moment, holes slicing through literally to the heart of the Void. When he feels the energy and power leaving his foe, he finally holds him up, then lets the Golden Guardian's body drop to the ground.

"Robert Reynolds, once again, I am truly sorry. I hope you have finally found peace."

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2011-01-05 03:54 am UTC (link)
"Most well done," Svalin said as she brushed some dust off of her shoulder.

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2011-01-06 02:19 am UTC (link)
Eli could hardly believe his eyes at the raw power that Solver possessed. Few people came close to matching an Eternal in power; to date, Iason was one of the strongest Eli knew, in terms of physicality.

And Eli was rather certain that Iason could not have done what Solver had just done without great personal injury to himself.

"You must be proud." Eli says with a knowing smile.

"We must return to the battle, however, and find a way to get Solver into that base." he tells Svalin.

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2011-01-06 07:50 pm UTC (link)
"The base is precisely the problem. The others are holding their own with Kang. You may be able to surprise him and give them a critical edge if you teleport back now. I'm afraid I can't go with you - the base saps my strength quite quickly."

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2011-01-06 08:05 pm UTC (link)
There may have been the slightest nod at the being proud comment and a slight smile.

She looked at Eli and then at Solver. She wanted very much to go back and fight, but she would not abandon someone who was so easily affected by Kang's weapons and green rocks. "Go Friend Eli. Help the others. I wilt stay with Solver." Just in case something else happened or Kang came looking for the Sentry.

Duty came first. It was a hard lesson she was still learning.

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2011-01-06 08:23 pm UTC (link)
"Actually... I may be able to help you. You're a telepath, right? If you can see a location, could you teleport precisely?"

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2011-01-07 01:12 am UTC (link)
"Yes. Give me the location and I will get you where you need to be." Eli nods.

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2011-01-07 01:17 am UTC (link)
"Not where I need to go. Where you need to go. Contact my mind - I can clearly see Kang's fortress from here." Telescopic, x-ray vision comes in handy.

"With that image, you should be able to teleport yourself and Mo... Svalin directly behind Kang. With your teleportation and her blade, it should give you the surprise you need to end the battle."

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2011-01-07 01:21 am UTC (link)
"We shouldst coordinate with the Avengers," Svalin said. "Attack at the same time."

She looked at Solver. "What about thee? I shouldst stay and let Eli take mine blade."

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(no subject) - [info]lastscion, 2011-01-07 01:26 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]blinkandmissme, 2011-01-07 01:47 am UTC

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