The courtship of the fair Tamara (open to Excal)
Tamara was in her room, curled up in her bed, reading a book. She had had a busy day, going shopping to get food and drinks (mostly beer, of course), for the small New Year's Eve party the team was having. She had also done a little shopping for herself, as she needed some new winter clothes.
She was just about to turn off the lamp on her bedside table and call it a night, when she heard something outside of her window.
She was pretty sure that it was singing. And...a lute?
Tamara pulled on her bathrobe, walking over to the window and opening it. And saw the knight from when the team fought the "dragon". The one that she had kissed on the cheek.
And he was now singing to her, outside of her window. It was kind of sweet, actually.
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