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nextgen_holiday ([info]nextgen_holiday) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-12-22 21:04:00

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Entry tags:cosmopolitan, future kid - aj rogers, future kid - bobby stark, future kid - liz rogers, future kid - miranda vernard, future kid - solver svalinsson, future kid - suzie rogers, future kid - veronica paravich, holiday, iason, inactive - charlie rogers, inactive - cian spector, inactive - eli paravich, plot-"12-step", ryan spector, svalin

When Out On the Lawn There Arose Such a Clatter
Christmas. Yule. Saturnalia. Dies Natalis Solis Invicti. Many cultures have celebrated and still celebrate a winter festival. There have been many names for it over the millennia. No matter the name it is a time to come together and celebrate with feasts and gifts with friends and loved ones.

Each culture has a legendary figure who would deliver gifts to children during this time. In Russia and some Slavic cultures he is known as Ded Moroz, Grandfather Frost, and comes not on Christmas but on New Year’s along with his granddaughter Snegurochka, or ‘”Snow Maiden”. In the United Kingdom and other parts of Europe he is known as Father Christmas. In the Netherlands and Belgium he is known as Saint Nicholas or “Sinterklaas” and in France he is known as Père Noël. In the United States we know him as Santa Claus.

No matter the name or who is delivering gifts, it is the season of peace, joy and togetherness. It is the season for thinking about loved ones, friends and those less fortunate. It is a time to witness the goodness and generosity the human race is capable of. It is a time for peace on Earth and goodwill toward man

The Avengers' Mansion was decorated and festive. Inside the Avengers celebrated Christmas Day. Outside there was a flash of light and six time and dimensionally displaced Avengers showed up.

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2010-12-26 03:47 am UTC (link)
Svalin smiled and nodded. "Aye. It wouldst make things easier if they know each other. A day of rest with sort-of-family wilt be good for all."

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2010-12-26 04:55 am UTC (link)
Vernique will greet them downstairs. "My hair is perfect. Kang can do his worst."

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2010-12-26 04:58 am UTC (link)
"I believe I've heard that line somewhere before."

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2010-12-26 05:00 am UTC (link)
"I bet. Please convey my regards to your Momtwo for her fantastic brooches."

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2010-12-26 05:04 am UTC (link)
"Kang canst wait. Now we wilt have mead and listen to tales of Solver and the Avengers' adventures."

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2010-12-26 05:06 am UTC (link)
Solver grins. "I'll be sure to do so when she returns. She will be most displeased she missed you. I don't believe she encounters anyone who knows as much about shoes as she does very often."

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2010-12-26 06:00 am UTC (link)
She grins. "It's a heavy responsibility, being this styling."

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2010-12-26 06:16 am UTC (link)
Svalin shook her head and continued on downstairs leaving them to talk if they wanted to talk.

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2010-12-27 07:27 am UTC (link)
"So...are you a full-time god and hero, or are you going to college? If you don't mind my asking."

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2010-12-27 07:40 am UTC (link)
"I finished college studies when I was 11. I have three degrees. Nothing compared to Miranda or some of the other brains here, but since I completed the Asgardian rites of adulthood, I've been heroing full time, aside from time spent doing my duties as a warrior of Asgard."

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2010-12-27 07:49 am UTC (link)
"Eleven. Wow. Yes, I realize you're not a Vernard, but that's just as well. Lab types don't tend to do the heavy lifting. Well, you're impeccably dressed, you're okay at understatement, and I'm sure you obliterate things just fine. Looks like your moms did a good job... It...seems like you're not like your Uncle Hal, at least."

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2010-12-27 07:56 am UTC (link)
"I don't think anyone is Uncle Hal except Uncle Hal. That's probably a good thing, really. Your alternate and Momone - well, I couldn't ask for better mothers. As for the impeccably dressed... well, we have company. Momtwo would have my head if we received important other dimensional visitors and I didn't look up to the occasion."

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2010-12-27 08:03 am UTC (link)
She smiles. "Damn straight. I'm not reading too much into this, of course, Kang's Laws of Time, and all that, and the jerk oughtta know, but it's hard to imagine settling down. Surprising to think your Momone didn't ask one of her Asgardian friends, who'd know more about proper divine upbringings anyway."

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2010-12-27 08:15 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, I was just talking to Svalin about that. What happened here isn't necessarily going to happen to you guys. Still, the similarities are startling. Momtwo said she always had trouble picturing settling down...and for a long time, she didn't, exactly. She says that accepting the proposal was as much like a job application as a financial actuary as a marriage."

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2010-12-27 08:24 am UTC (link)
She grins. "Well, any me would be best for that, certainly." Suddenly she looks more solemn. "So how are you taking this allergy thing?"

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2010-12-27 08:31 am UTC (link)
"Its... disturbing. Its... hard to explain."

He considers for a moment. "Its not that I have a problem with being hurt. There are some things that can, and have done that. The Hulk, Hyperion, the Void, Loki... its more that, well, not being able to do anything while the world suffers. Kang can do anything he wants, and has done so, ever since he showed up, and for once, there's been no way to even resist. Its not that the Avengers, the X-Men, and others aren't powerful. They are. But a lot of them have been more focused on stopping natural disasters, humanitarian work... there's... not very many super villains any more, hasn't been for a few years. I'm fine with a tough fight... I'm not used to not being able to fight at all."

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2010-12-27 08:35 am UTC (link)
She listens carefully and nods. "Well, you come by that honestly enough, but I'm sure you've heard enough stories about Lady I-Dothn't-have-to-rest-It-wilt-heal before. But it must be frustrating. We'll think of something."

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2010-12-27 08:43 am UTC (link)
He frowns, then shakes his head. "Frustrating, yes. Even Momone has been at something of a loss though. As for the thinking of something... well, we have some great brains on this team, but...well, not a direction they're used to thinking in. The world has changed... changed a lot in the last eight years. Almost every known criminals are in custody, Hydra's central coil was dismantled three years ago. Latveria just had its third free elections - this one went smoothly. The Kree declared Earth a no-fly zone after their fifth fleet was wadded up and thrown home. I'm used to being able to respond when the world calls on me to help... I had to quit answering the emergency calls and let them be screened a week ago."

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2010-12-27 07:12 pm UTC (link)
"I can understand how upsetting it must be, but the whole world can't be on your shoulders all the time. It really can't. You've got... choreography to deal with on another world. You can't always be here. There are ways to beat the bad guys without Solver, even if people are out of the habit of remembering."

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2010-12-27 08:16 pm UTC (link)
"Thing is - the, erm, choreography on Asgard has changed a bit." he replies, trying to figure out how much to say. Prophecy is a big thing. That, and as much as bragging is an important trait to the Asgardians, Momtwo taught him to at least appreciate the value of humility now and then.

"And honestly, usually, I don't mind. The world is a better place than the one I was born into. Without the villains, the Richards and Vernards of the super hero set have made huge strides against world hunger, the diplomats and leaders have had a chance to intervene in some of the violent hotspots. We don't have world peace, yet, but we're a lot closer than we were. At least before this."

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2010-12-27 08:29 pm UTC (link)
She knows he's not explaining something, and part of her's proud. There's such a thing as subtlety. There's such a thing as style. You don't just scream 'I have a great big worlds-changing hammer!' or whatever. Not on Earth, anyway. And she will not ask. She will not ask. She will not get her hopes up for her Svalin and her Hal... What you see never completely matches what you get...

"Sounds like a lot to be proud of. A post-supervillain world."

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2010-12-27 08:33 pm UTC (link)
"About half as proud as I am of bringing hope to Asgard, for the first time in ever - which I don't really need to brag about. Momone does that for me. And says I should do more of it. Here - for Earth stuff, I try and listen to Momtwo's advice for most of the dealing with people, and just do my part of the job. I can hear in your voice though... you're not saying something. Go ahead - if there's something you want to know, you might as well ask. I'm not at all sure what I should be telling you and what I shouldn't anyway."

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2010-12-27 08:48 pm UTC (link)
"Of course she does. Subtlety isn't in her dictionary. And... I don't want to bank on anything here, Solver, but... what changed? I mean... I respect Svalin and Hal's dedication to their choreographed parts, but... I hate it."

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2010-12-27 08:53 pm UTC (link)
He sighs. Ok, time to admit it.

"I changed... everything. My dad... isn't from this dimension. I've never met him. Something about the combination of him and Momone... well, here."

He takes long enough to grab one of the Vernardtech palmtop computers about the place, and hands it to her - so she can read the assessments of Solver and the tests through the ages, what they can measure, anyway, and what he's accomplished on Earth and Asgard.

"When I was born, Odin said things had changed. He wasn't sure how...but apparently there's hope for Asgard. The enemies of the realm have been trying to kill me before Ragnarok ever since."

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2010-12-27 09:18 pm UTC (link)
Vernique reads, wide-eyed. "I...see. ...It's a pity you couldn't keep being a game-changer under wraps, avoid painting a big target on your back."

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(no subject) - [info]lastscion, 2010-12-27 09:30 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]butterflybullet, 2010-12-27 09:33 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]lastscion, 2010-12-27 09:36 pm UTC

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