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Chris Grant-Pym ([info]pym_kitten) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
"Oh heck no, there's way more than that. The basic flexing and durability thing is something Dad adapted off of the same principles as Reed Richards' unstable molecule uniforms, only better." Chris flashes the old man a thumbs-up.

"The tricky stuff comes with 'deviated form' shifters, like me. Even if it's designed to shift in size, a jumpsuit cut for humans doesn't exactly work for a giant feline body." She indicates some settings but doesn't touch them, as she brings down the press and infuses the blouse with Pym Particles.

"Dad helped me come up with a displacement system. Once the material stretches outside of certain parameters, it collapses into the cell structure of whoever's wearing it, then comes back out when suitable."

The apparatus fires up and a few moments later the press releases, the blouse visually unchanged, but with a faint residual crackle of energy.

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