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Chris Grant-Pym ([info]pym_kitten) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-12-10 21:34:00

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Entry tags:inactive - anastasia summers, inactive - chris pym, team - x-force, team - x-men

In Stitches (open thread)
Chris smiles to herself as she checks herself out in the mirror. The dress was a little lighter than winter called for, but it was a small price to pay. She could put together a throw or jacket to coordinate with it if she had to. For the most part though, she was done. She'd managed to find the materials she'd been looking for for the gift for her date, and her own threads were done.

Not wanting to come down from her creative high just yet, she put up a message on the bulletin board in the common area that she was taking requests on accessories for the party. She tacked on a few photos of stuff she had already made, just to pad her cred a little bit.

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2010-12-12 04:09 am UTC (link)
"Sounds like a good plan. I'm due to swing by Goodwill for materials anyway, and there's some nice independent shops that aren't too pricey." Chris smiles as she goes on about options.

"Plus, that really cute guy with the eyebrow piercing is on shift at the Grindstone this afternoon, so that's always a good place to stop in between shops." She chuckles.

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2010-12-12 05:52 pm UTC (link)
"As you're more familiar with the shopping, I will just follow your lead.

Hmm...I was never really into facial piercings on guy...though I do like the earring in one ear look."

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2010-12-12 06:06 pm UTC (link)
Chris smirks. "You can just enjoy the eyecandy from the eye down then. The girl working today drops stuff a lot, and he always volunteers to pick it up for her." She chuckles.

"Let's hit Goodwill first, then."

A short while later, they stride into the local Goodwill. Chris goes straight for the dresses, needing to resupply on lace. "So what are you going to be looking for? Got a color in mind yet?"

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2010-12-13 01:55 am UTC (link)
"Good view?" She asked with a laugh.

Anastasia looked at some of the dresses, a pondering look on her face. "I was thinking something red, or black maybe. I appreciate any suggestions, though."

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2010-12-13 02:02 am UTC (link)
"Hmm. Full-bodied, mature, robust. I would reccomend it to a friend." Chris says in her most dignified voice, taking a prom dress off the rack and shaking her head at this. "This probably went for a couple hundred and was only worn once... so damn wasteful."

She listens to Anastasia's request and looks over her build. "I'm picturing you in something with some slink, or are ruffles and volume more your thing?"

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2010-12-13 04:51 am UTC (link)
"It is a waste," Anastasia said, "I'd at least try to wear it again for another occasion. Or cut the skirt and save it for something less formal. See about getting the extra material made into a wrap or something." Yes, she could be crafty.

"I like slink," she said, "I've never been one for volume."

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2010-12-13 05:07 am UTC (link)
Chris' mind buzzed with what she could do after hacking this thing up.

"Duly noted." She thumbs through the rack, giggling at a square-dancing dress before pushing it aside. "So, you got a date for this shindig? A friend of a friend set me up with someone."

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2010-12-13 05:27 am UTC (link)
Anastasia shook her head. "Nope, no date. I'm fine going stag, but if there's someone you'd think I'd like, then suggest away."

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2010-12-13 05:46 am UTC (link)
Chris sticks her tongue out. "I'd have offered myself if I'd known sooner." She shrugs. "Maybe Rachel can give you one of the members of her harem. Cassidy could use someone being nice to him too."

She grabs herself an out of season sundress with a prairie skirt. Light as anything, but the pattern is lovely, good for patches or a wrap.

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2010-12-13 05:50 am UTC (link)
"I heard Cassidy's going with Izzy," Anastasia said, "Besides, I found out that we're cousins, anyway. Something about being the cloned son of my Uncle Alex. My family tree is so confusing sometimes." She browsed through the racks.

"What do you think about this one?" She asked, holding the dress up.

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2010-12-13 05:54 am UTC (link)
Chris gives an approving whistle. "If you're going to wear that, I stand by my statement that you could have asked me." She teases. "I think I can replace some of the missing sequins too. Might have to put in some kind of pattern if I can't color match enough. Take up the hem as well if you don't want it to the floor."

She stops to think. "Technically, you could even drag me and Dad into family tree things, if you count the whole Vision slash Scarlet Witch situation. I think that's pushing it though. One day I'm going to make a quilt that maps out how everyone in the Summers-Lensherr-Pym tree is 'related'." She finger-quotes on the last word.

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