London, 1940
After some discussion with the team, they decided to jump to the London Blitz in an attempt to meet up with Christina at the end of her time jumps, to catch her before she was stuck wherever Dave had sent her. Jenny had no trouble bringing the team along--she could take up to six "passengers" safely at one time--but once they actually arrived, that's where her expertise ended. This was, after all, a different universe and while the generalities were much the same, some details were bound to be different.
"Remember guys, do not trust what you know about history. It's only a guide here, not fact."
In a blink they were on the streets of London. A quick check of a newspaper gave them the date: 29 December, 1940. It was a perfect match to the book Tina'd been reading, a book about the Second Great Fire of London. The team was just hours away from the devastating air raid.
"Christina appears to be getting herself involved in notable events, my money's on her being at St. Paul's Catherdral. It was famously spared in the raid by the efforts of firefighters."
Orienting herself a bit, Jenny started leading the group as unobtrusively as possible towards the landmark.
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