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callme_eight ([info]callme_eight) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-11-21 21:03:00

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Earth culture is funny
Shanna had finally thought she got used to Earth culture. She had been working hard and taking care of herself pretty well. There had been very few bad reactions to foods in a long time. She was pretty happy with herself.

That was why she had decided to invite Vincent over. She was cooking dinner. She had found ways to make food that would be pretty filling and not make her sick. It was sort of like fried rice, except without the eggs of course.

She really hoped that Vincent was okay with this place. She had been told it was what was called a 'dive' due to the cracks in the walls and sometimes the lights didn't work right. But the heating worked almost all of the time. Her bed was usually dry and the locks worked properly so she could have her privacy. Now all she had to do was wait for Vincent.

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