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callme_eight ([info]callme_eight) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-11-21 21:03:00

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Entry tags:inactive - shanna eight, vincent vernard

Earth culture is funny
Shanna had finally thought she got used to Earth culture. She had been working hard and taking care of herself pretty well. There had been very few bad reactions to foods in a long time. She was pretty happy with herself.

That was why she had decided to invite Vincent over. She was cooking dinner. She had found ways to make food that would be pretty filling and not make her sick. It was sort of like fried rice, except without the eggs of course.

She really hoped that Vincent was okay with this place. She had been told it was what was called a 'dive' due to the cracks in the walls and sometimes the lights didn't work right. But the heating worked almost all of the time. Her bed was usually dry and the locks worked properly so she could have her privacy. Now all she had to do was wait for Vincent.

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2010-11-22 02:09 am UTC (link)
Vincent, happy to hear from Shanna that she was becoming more self-sufficient and comfortable in her situation, eagerly accepted the invitation. He brought along an easily cared for potted plant as a housewarming present. He was also quite glad for an excuse to get out of the Baxter Building for a while. He'd managed not to stay in his room and mope, but now he felt antsy if he sat still too long.

He was slightly apprehensive as he ascended the rickety stairs to her apartment, upon reaching the address she'd given him, but told himself that he was going to be on his best behavior. Shanna was a friend, and new to Earth. However intelligent she might be, there was going to be an adjustment period.

He did however, briefly wonder if he could put her in touch with more gainful employment that could capitalize on her intelligence, but resolved not to bring that up that night.

He knocked at her door. "Shanna?"

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2010-11-22 02:16 am UTC (link)
She did think Vincent was sweet. Which was why she invited him. She liked being around him. He was her first real friend on Earth. She still had not gotten up the nerve to meet other people.

After all she kept lying and saying she was from Canada. That wasn't very nice. She didn't like lying to people at all.

She answers the door with a happy smile. "Hello Vincent! Please come in!"

The inside of her apartment is quite clean. Though there is an impression on one door knob from where she accidentally grabbed it too hard in plain view leading into the closet. "I'm almost done with a side dish sort of thing. A fruit salad. I've been reading a lot about Earth foods recently."

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2010-11-22 02:21 am UTC (link)
Vincent takes in a breath as he instinctively surveys the place, but smiles and greets Shanna, holding out the planet. "Here, I thought this would brighten up the place. Just make sure to water it once a day and let it get plenty of sunshine."

He then observes the brick wall three feet away from the living area's only window. Maybe he can get her a sun lamp.

"A fruit salad sounds lovely." He says, even as his stomach informs his brain that a meatless meal is thoroughly unacceptable. His stomach is told to mind its place.

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2010-11-22 02:29 am UTC (link)
"Ohh! This is great. My bed room gets some sun... so I can put it in there." She doesn't skip because while she is excited she doesn't want to scare the people below her again. She opens the door and Vincent can see that her bed room is much less well kept. She hates making her bed.

But there appears to be some sun through one window.

She comes back and smiles at him. "I made some meat up for you too. I know I certainly can't enjoy it but I thought it would make you happy since you can eat it."

But first she dishes out the fruit salad into two dishes and sets them down at the small table she has. "How has your week been?"

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2010-11-22 02:38 am UTC (link)
And his stomach rejoices, even as he frets at the state of her home. It's not as if he isn't somewhat disorganized at times, or that he thinks she can't protect herself in this neighborhood, but it's just as simple as that she's his friend and Vincent doesn't like to see a friend living near poverty.

He joins her at the table, and his face droops slightly at the question. "It's been... eventful. I won't go into too much dramatic detail, but my ex-girlfriend has started dating again. I'm trying not to let it consume me, but I'm still carrying a lot of baggage from our breakup." He ends the summary there, picking out a grape from the fruit salad.

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2010-11-22 02:44 am UTC (link)
"Oh." She frowns not sure of the protocol when it comes to courtship on Earth. On her world they would make them go through a sort of post break up therapy to figure out why the relationship had failed so that future relationships would be stronger.

"How ... Never mind. I'm still learning Earth protocol about some things." She shakes her head. "But I am glad you are not dwelling on it. And hopefully you are still friends with her."

She tries to think of something more pleasant. "I have a new night job? I find I get bored easily so I needed something else to keep busy."

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2010-11-22 03:01 am UTC (link)
Vincent continues on his fruit salad, but makes a beckoning gesture. "You can ask what you want. It's fine.

Staying friends was never an issue. I just can't be around her right now. Not until I get past the initial unease. It's not that the unease is so great that I can't stand the sight of her, but it's enough that she'd notice and feel bad herself, and I don't want that."

Keeping it bottled up until it turns into a Euripides play isn't going to help matters, so he may as well vent, since he's got someone apparently willing to listen.

"What sort of job?" A pause. "For that matter, do you sleep? I never asked you all the particulars of your biology."

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2010-11-22 03:09 am UTC (link)
"I don't want to be rude. I'm not sure how Earth culture deals with break ups," she says with a shake of her head. "We sit down and talk about it until it is understood why the relationship failed with outside parties to keep things from getting messy. It's very much like therapy."

She downs some of the fruit salad before she goes on to answer his questions. "A bouncer at a club. They like that I'm pretty and not easily intimidated. Guys listen to me because they like my mammary glands."

She giggles a little. "Yes I sleep. Not for very long. Four of your hours a day. It's dependent on the heat. I will require six if it ever falls below minus 65. That's the normal amount of sleep my people require but it's so warm here."

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2010-11-22 04:09 am UTC (link)
"In our case, it was fairly clear why it ended. I don't blame her, even if I miss her." Vincent sighs. "This fruit salad is good by the wa--"

He coughs on the last word as Shanna mentions 'mammary glands'. He clears his throat. "A bit of advice for Earth culture. You'll draw less undue attention by just calling them 'breasts'."

Vincent nods at her rather precise appraisal of her sleep needs in regards to temperature. "I'm glad you're settling into a routine you're comfortable with."

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2010-11-22 04:15 am UTC (link)
"But..." She just looks at Vincent. "Is breasts a rather crass term? I thought it was. People don't seem to like talking about them in ploite conversation."

She smiles brightly. "Thanks. I.... Really like Earth. It's nice. Some of the people are just so friendly! And you have pretty fun music too."

She really enjoyed that outing with Vincent and Aslief. "How is your friend Aslief doing? I liked her. She was very fun."

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2010-11-22 04:50 am UTC (link)
"It's what they are." Vincent shrugs. "The fact that society fixates on them doesn't make the term any less accurate, and it's a more colloquial usage than 'mammary glands'."

He almost makes a comment about that she should be wary of friendly people, but keeps the cynic in check.

"Asleif is fine. She resolved a problem she had been dealing with some time earlier, and is seeing the world now."

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2010-11-22 05:00 am UTC (link)
"I guess I can see why. It is where there are fat stores and it could be a status symbol," she says thoughtfully. She really thinks about stuff differently.

"I'll get the fried rice. And the chicken for you." She had put lots of vegetables into it thinking that would be best. She somehow easily balances it all. The heat from the pan doesn't seem to bother her and she throws down a hot pad so the table won't burn.

"You can dish out as much as you'd like."

She really wants that chicken. But she ignores it and dishes out a heaping plate of food for herself.

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2010-11-22 05:10 am UTC (link)
Vincent lets her keep her rose-colored perceptions. They're actually true in some cultures anyway.

As the food is laid out, he smiles and nods as he dishes himself out some. "Everything smells wonderful. Thank you for inviting me over, Shanna."

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2010-11-22 05:16 am UTC (link)
She blushes just a bit. "You're welcome. I'm working hard to learn to take care of myself here. I still..."

She sighs when the power flickers. "I have some issues to work on."

She doesn't want him to worry about her. She thinks she is doing just fine.

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2010-11-22 05:32 am UTC (link)
Vincent glances at the lights, and at the few outlets available in the room. "If you can clear it with your landlord, I might be able to help you with some of the wiring."

Without installing any sort of miniaturized generators or anything like that. If she wants that, she'll ask for it. Just offer some normal help.

"So, when you haven't been working or getting this place together, have you gotten to see anything else interesting in the city?"

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2010-11-23 04:10 am UTC (link)
"I asked already," she says with a deep sigh. "He said no. Which is a shame because it would be so easy. It's just the connections."

She chuckles and can't help the smile that appears on her face. "Self education. I've been reading everything I can get my hands on. Lots of stuff about how things work here on Earth. Your environment is just so.... different."

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2010-11-23 04:16 am UTC (link)
Vincent sighs and shakes his head. He still holds off on offering help with better accommodations.

"That's unfortunate."

He brightens as she mentions self-education. "Have you gotten a library card yet? The New York public library system is one of the best in the world."

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2010-11-23 08:19 pm UTC (link)
"It really is. I'm waiting until I can move. I don't wish to stay in such an unfexlible place. But not until my first winter is over. The heat woks well in this building. I don't wish to give up something so vital to my well being," she says as she stabs a carrot with her fork.

"Yes! It was shockingly easy. The librarians there are so kind. They don't even require a DNA sample. It's so.... Refreshing."

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2010-11-23 08:28 pm UTC (link)
Vincent nods. "Heat is seen as a necessity, so you should be able to find housing soon enough that will have that along with other more sound utilities. I'd be happy to help you look."

He starts on the rice and smiles at her enthusiasm. "Yes, librarians are wonderfully helpfu, and often unappreciated. And you'll find that very few of our public institutions require a DNA sample." He smirks.

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2010-11-23 08:36 pm UTC (link)
"It isn't so bad here. It's not like when I had to stay with the lower cast for some time," she says with a thoughtful look around the apartment. "And... I would like that anyways."

She gives Vincent a confused look. "Why not? It's the best way to help optimize the experience. That way you cn help them find the most satisfying books."

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2010-11-23 08:43 pm UTC (link)
Vincent tilts his head. "I'm not sure of the differences between human DNA and your people, but we don't generally carry a genetic propensity tied to our tastes in literature or other media. Look up the 'nature versus nurture' debate sometime. It's one of our greatest mysteries."

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2010-11-23 10:54 pm UTC (link)
"Possibly? There tends to be some trends based off of genetic markers. But then we are ahead of humans when it comes to genetics," Shanna says with a slim shrug. "But then we do screening for so many things."

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2010-11-23 11:09 pm UTC (link)
Vincent raises an eyebrow. "Are you familiar with this technology yourself? There really are a number of accomplished scientists on Earth that would be happy to hear about it."

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2010-11-23 11:14 pm UTC (link)
"No. I worked at one of the power sub-plants. My job was to make sure the cold weather didn't degrade our sources of power. I was going to eventually manage a surface crew." She tilts her head just a little. That's right, he'd never been to her world.

"We are primarily a subterranean society. The surface is very dangerous to live on due to the cold and wind."

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2010-11-23 11:30 pm UTC (link)
"Ah, yes. That should help with general technical experience, but our planet doesn't have the same temperature extremes as yours.

Dinner is excellent by the way. You seem to be getting the hang of supporting yourself quite nicely."

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2010-11-23 11:36 pm UTC (link)
"Thanks." She offers him a small smile. "I've been working hard at this... Whole thing."

She perks up. "Oh! Would you like to see a movie? I've been collecting them. I've learn a lot about.... Stuff. From movies. I really like Star Wars. Luke is... adorable!"

She giggles sounding a bit like a teenager.

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2010-11-23 11:47 pm UTC (link)
He smiles and nods. "Movies are indeed an effective way to learn about the culture you're attempting to immerse yourself in. Provided you take them with plenty of actual practical exposure as well."

Once they finish dinner, he helps her clean up and then heads over to the couch.

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2010-11-23 11:51 pm UTC (link)
"Well I am not sure what we could watch then. I like Westerns. But more modern movies are also quite fun." She motions to the very tall pile of DVDs.

"You may pick something out. I am not fussy."

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2010-11-23 11:59 pm UTC (link)
"Star Wars is always acceptable." Vincent smiles. "The classics never die. Have you seen the prequel trilogy as well, or just the original?"

He rifles through her collection. "There's the Indiana Jones series as well. Harrison Ford being the only actor who physically appeared in the original movie not to have his career end there." He chuckles. "James Earl Jones only had his voice after all, and voice-work was all Marc Hamill succeeded at afterward."

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2010-11-24 02:06 am UTC (link)
"I haven't. A nice man at the store said the prequels ruin the Star Wars experience," she says with a faint smile.

"And I bought several Indiana Jones films. I just haven't seen them yet. I had been viewing history documentaries. The ones about Captain America are interesting."

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2010-11-24 02:22 am UTC (link)
"The prequels have better melee combat sequences, but the character development and space-battles are lesser.

Captain America has actually had some comments about what he did or didn't say in some of the battles those movies depict. The general rule seems to be that he said the clever things, and didn't say the corny ones." Vincent chuckles as he selects one of the Indiana Jones movies.

"In your case, I would recommend The Last Crusade. Temple of Doom has a few more interesting visual sequences, but Sean Connery is an exceptional actor."

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2010-11-24 02:32 am UTC (link)
"I think I have that." She pushes through the pile of cases then holds it out with triumph. He had picked up the Temple of Doom.

"I don't need anything else. Do you?" Her eyes are bright with excitement. Everything is interesting and fun on Earth.

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2010-11-24 02:35 am UTC (link)
Vincent smiles and nods, clambering onto the couch as she sets things up. "No, I'll be fine. I may grab a glass of water later, but that's nothing to worry about."

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2010-11-24 02:39 am UTC (link)
She nods as she puts the disk in the DVD players. Then she grans the remote and joins him after turning on the tv. She doesn't even think about it as she partly cuddles up with him and waits for the dvd player to go all the way to the menu.

Once it's at play well, she hits play and settles into the couch and Vincent's side.

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2010-11-24 02:43 am UTC (link)
Vincent is slightly surprised at the proximity, but he doesn't shy away from it. Crowded clubs and lounges were his natural environment for several years, so he's not easily riled by casual contact. He readjusts his seating and smiles as the familiar music comes up.

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2010-11-24 02:49 am UTC (link)
And it isn't as if she is being too familiar. Though at one point latter on as the movie progresses her head rests just a little against his chest. Vincent feels very warm and the heat seeking part of her is enjoying that.

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2010-11-24 02:59 am UTC (link)
Vincent chuckles as she relaxes. "You seem far too content. I'm not sure if I should be jealous."

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2010-11-24 03:00 am UTC (link)
"Well you're warm Vincent," she points out smirking up at him. "If you don't want me huddling up to you, get chilly."

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2010-11-24 03:09 am UTC (link)
He laughs. "It's a demi-god thing. We run hot, I suppose.

And I don't mind, per se, I just haven't been praised as a replacement for a heating pad before." Another grin.

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2010-11-24 03:17 am UTC (link)
She doesn't quite blush but she looks very amused. Then looks back towards the TV. A thought strikes her about his warmth. "With my people we share heat with our fiends for good health and prosperity."

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2010-11-24 03:29 am UTC (link)
"Oh really? That's ni--" Vincent's brain catches up, remembering what Shanna already told him about her culture's concepts of currency and 'warmth exchange'.

"...Shanna... are you trying to seduce me?"

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2010-11-24 03:31 am UTC (link)
"Don't be silly Vincent!" That is probably a relief. But then she continues. "I like you as a friend. I merely think sharing heat with you would be fun. And it's good for your health. I care about your well-being. I'm not interested in you in the romantic sense."

That doesn't help him she just doesn't know it.

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2010-11-24 03:40 am UTC (link)
"I... err..." Vincent can't help but suddenly become much more aware of her proximity, to say nothing of her attractiveness.

"I didn't foresee myself ever saying this as a single man, but... I don't think I can right now."

He sits up, giving them enough space to hold a serious conversation. "First off, I want to say that I'm very flattered, and want you to understand that. Under ordinary circumstances, I'd be more than happy to exchange warmth with you, at length and in a variety of ways.

But.. there is the situation with Andrea. She was the only serious relationship I've had, and I'm not sure I'm completely over her yet; even though she seems to be over me enough to be dating again.

I'm not ready for a relationship again, and even though I understand you're not asking for one, I need to decide if... well, 'rebound sex' is respectful to not just myself, but to you and Andrea as well."

He bites his lip.

"Let me give you a more definitive answer tomorrow?"

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2010-11-24 03:45 am UTC (link)
She blinked and found herself smiling. She enjoyed the fact he found her very attractive. She also liked he was showing her that he respected her.

Though it was puzzling to her the Earth did not have professionals for rebound sex. Earth people were very weird about that.

"Thank you for respecting me enough to talk to me about this like you did. And I'm perfectly okay with waiting. I don't mind if you come to realize that sharing heat with me isn't wise."

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2010-11-24 05:05 am UTC (link)
Portions of his hind-brain immediately plug in three numerical values that would state warmth exchange to be a very wise decision, but they're overpowered by responsibility.

Vincent smiles and nods, relieved. "Thank you." He gives her a chaste hug, then lets them get comfortable again to watch the rest of the movie.

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