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Anya Antonovna Romanova Stark ([info]anyastark) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-11-14 21:52:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, inactive - beetle, inactive - cece gill, inactive - molly hayes, team - thunderbolts

TBolts Movie Night
The Thunderbolts unlike most teams didn't do much together. Each member had their own thing and it was rare that they spent time hanging out with each other. It was time to hang out a bit and regroup. They had a new member to get to know and the best way to hang out was a movie night.

Anya got a variety of takeout of from a few different places around town and stocked up on the usual fare of chips, dip and pretzels. Soda, juice and water was provided for drinking. Anya collected a few movies from a few different genres since she didn't know everyone's viewing preferences.

When everything was gathered and ready, Anya sent a text out to all team members and then flopped down on one of the oversized couches in the newly renovated rec room.

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2010-11-15 03:45 am UTC (link)
"Whatever we feel like watching," Anya said. "We can basically watch anything we want." It paid to be a Stark.

"Glad you could join us. Grab a seat, grab some food and get comfortable. If we're lucky we can get through the night without the world going to hell."

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2010-11-15 03:58 am UTC (link)
Victor joins them, sporting his newly redesigned (internally anyway) body by Sydney. He was currently going through some trouble with his electric stabilizers. He wasn't shorting out anything in the house, but he was giving off sparks like static from his hair every so often. He fiddled with a control panel set into one wrist as he nodded to the ladies.

"Evening lovely ladies. What's up?" He smiled at the kids.

This right here? This was a good moment.

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2010-11-15 04:34 am UTC (link)
"Hey Victor," Anya greeted. "This is CeCe. CeCe, this is Victor Mancha."

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2010-11-15 11:17 pm UTC (link)
Sydney arrived a few moments later.

"Hey folks," she said.

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2010-11-16 12:24 am UTC (link)
CeCe was smiling. "Hey Vic...WOW." She notices the sparks. "Never knew I could incite those kind of fireworks."

She then notices the other person walking in. "Hey yourself."

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2010-11-16 03:39 am UTC (link)
"Still creating sparks?" Anya asked. "I thought we fixed those stabilizers."

"Hey Syd. Syd, this is CeCe. CeCe, this is Sydney Davis."

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2010-11-16 05:54 am UTC (link)
"They were working just fine, up until I tried to do something more energy-intensive than turn on a lamp. No damage to anything, but I'm walking around sparkling like the I-can't-believe-these-are-supposed-to-be-vampire crowd. Not fun." He resets something, and the sparks subside. "Getting the hang of getting them to go away at least."

He nods to Syd. "Hey you."

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2010-11-16 05:55 pm UTC (link)
"Just have to check under your hood again, I guess," Sydney told Victor.

"Nice to meet you," she told CeCe.

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2010-11-16 11:43 pm UTC (link)
The girl wearing the "Team Edward" T-shirt gives Victor a mock glare, very obviously not serious. "Everyone's a critic. And it's nice to meet you too, Syd." She looks around. "I'm the noob."

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2010-11-17 05:08 am UTC (link)
"Which means you get to play gopher if we need anything," Anya said with a smirk. "We have a ton of food and snacks, drinks and any movie we want to watch. What do people want to see?"

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2010-11-17 09:19 am UTC (link)
"More guys." CeCe deadpanned. "Is Victor the only Y-chrome in the group?"

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2010-11-17 09:21 am UTC (link)
"So far," Anya answered. "I suppose we could don our safari hats and go hunting for some male team members." Anya was kidding. Mostly.

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2010-11-17 08:43 pm UTC (link)
"Just making sure Vic's cool with being the only floatie in the collective estrogen pool." CeCe answered. "You know, 'Ghostbusters' came into my head when I walked in there, and I'm not sure you want to know why."

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2010-11-17 11:47 pm UTC (link)
"I've seen the equipment, ladies," Sydney said, laughing. "He's all the man any of us need."

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2010-11-18 12:37 am UTC (link)
"Right, but unless the hardware is designed for multiple interfaces..."

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2010-11-18 04:48 am UTC (link)
Anya blinked and then made a face. "Oh I so didn't need to have those kind of thoughts." She threw some popcorn at Cece.

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2010-11-18 05:26 am UTC (link)
"Neither did I," Molly said, turning beet red.

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2010-11-18 10:13 am UTC (link)
"She started it." CeCe said with a smirk, pointing at Syd.

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2010-11-19 01:19 am UTC (link)
Sydney laughed her buzzing laugh. "We'll save that for the next upgrade."

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2010-11-19 03:53 am UTC (link)
"So Ghostbusters it is unless anyone has any objections," Anya said as she instructed the media center to put on the movie.

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2010-11-20 02:26 am UTC (link)
Victor finally recovered from blushing at Sydney's compliment, and cringing at the idea of Molly having... images.

"You are all a pack of vile youths. I hope you realize that." He settled in near Molly and made himself comfortable.

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2010-11-20 10:18 pm UTC (link)
"That's right, ALL of us." CeCe said. So tell me 'bout yourselves. I just got here."

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2010-11-20 10:28 pm UTC (link)
Sydney shrugged as she took a seat. "Not that much to tell. Ex-super-villain who didn't do much villainy, now space-bug-human-hybrid with a sugar fixation."

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2010-11-21 01:11 pm UTC (link)
"Rich kid, likes electronics, likes kicking bad guy butt and going to school down the street," Anya said.

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2010-11-21 01:28 pm UTC (link)
"Techno-organic son of an oedipal robot bent on the destruction of all humanity. Chronologically younger than Molly, mentally older than Syd." He points at them each.

"Hank Pym's my 'grandpa',--" he finger-quotes, "--so that officially hooks me up into the craziest extended family in the known universe."

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2010-11-21 06:13 pm UTC (link)
"I'd argue that." CeCe said. "My dad was the original Blizzard, my mom's Justine Hammer."

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2010-11-21 06:48 pm UTC (link)
Sydney blinked in surprise. "Well," she said, "that's... different."

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